The Welfare State in Global and Comparative Perspectives

Instructor Name

Chunrong Liu

Instructor Biography

Chunrong Liu is Professor of Political Science at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University. He received his PhD degree in sociology from the City University of Hong Kong in 2005 and has conducted post-doctoral research at Georgetown University. He has been serving as the Managing Director of the Fudan-European Centre for China Studies since 2013. Prof. Liu’s research interests are in the areas of political sociology and comparative politics. He has published widely on China’s state-society relations, governance innovation and social policy dynamics in the contexts of population aging, urbanization and digitalization.

Course Description

The modern welfare state was a European invention that took shape gradually during the twentieth century. As a response to the social problems of industrialisation, urbanisation, and poverty around the late nineteenth century, it seeks to regulate both civil society and the market through social policies, in order to distribute economic resources more progressively and to ensure that all citizens enjoy a basic measure of social and economic security. Roughly half of state expenditures, and up to around a third of GDP in advanced industrial democracies now concern the welfare state. This makes it a crucial subject matter for social sciences in general and global public policy in particular.

This course engages with the politics of welfare state as a special concern of global public policy in the contemporary world. It brings together discussions about key theoretical concepts, competing explanatory models and approaches to explaining welfare state dynamics, i.e. its emergence, consolidation and transformation.  The focus is how different welfare states are organized, developed and reformed, what are the complex challenges and dilemmas to the welfare state policies that stem from globalization, changing labor market, demographic aging, immigration, digitization, etc. Pivotal is the context of multiple crisis unfolding in the 21st century, which have important repercussions on social policy making. Throughout the course a comparative perspective is emphasized.

The course should be of general interest to those with a specialization in comparative politics or in global public policy. It will contribute to develop the competence to frame and present policy analysis in a politically relevant and culturally sensitive approach.

Basic Reading

Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1990). The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Princeton University Press.

Béland, Daniel et al., ed (2021). The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State, New York: Oxford University Press.

Course Schedule

Setting the stage

Discuss syllabus, assignments and research interests


Why modern welfare states emerge? What were the political-historical origins of the welfare state?

  • Hicks, Alexander (1999). Social Democracy and Welfare Capitalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Introduction, Ch. 2.

  • Korpi, Walter (2006). “The Power Resources Model.” In Pierson, Christopher, and Francis G. Castles, eds. The Welfare State Reader. Polity.

  • Baldwin, Peter (1990). The politics of social solidarity: class bases of the European welfare state, 1875-1975. Cambridge University Press.


Why the forms of welfare state differ from one another? How do different welfare regimes look like in terms of stratification and decommodification? What is the role of ideologies/ideas/political coalition in the formation of different worlds of welfare capitalism?

  • Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1990). The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Princeton University Press. Chapters 1-3.

  • Morel, Nathalie, Bruno Palier and Joakim Palme (2012).Towards a social investment welfare state?: ideas, policies and challenges, Bristol: Policy Press.

  • Peter Hall and Soskice, eds. (2001). Varieties of Capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp.145-183.


Do welfare states boost economic growth, social justice and social equality? Are some welfare models or varieties of capitalism better at balancing long-term ecological and contemporary social concerns?

  • Lindert, Peter (2010).Growing public: Social spending and economic growth since the eighteenth century, Cambridge University Press.

  • Koch, M., & Fritz, M. (2014). Building the Eco-social State: Do Welfare Regimes Matter? Journal of Social Policy 43: 679-703.

  • Leach, Andrew J. (2009). The welfare implications of climate change policy, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 57(2): 151-165.


A conventional wisdom holds that globalization causes economic uncertainty and spurs popular demands for compensatory welfare state spending. But why are some social welfare programmes being expanded, while others undergoing retrenchment? What is relevance of European welfare experience for East Asian and the global south?

  • Iversen, Torben and Cusack TR (2000). The Causes of Welfare State Expansion: Deindustrialization or Globalization? World Politics 52(3):313-349.

  • Mares, Isabela and Carnes, M. E (2009). ‘Social Policy in Developing Countries’, Annual Review of Political Science 12(1): 93-113.

  • Böger Tobias, Kerem Gabriel Öktem (2019). Levels or worlds of welfare? Assessing social rights and social stratification in northern and southern countries. Social Policy & Administration 53: 63-77.

  • Kuhnle, Stein, Per Selle and Sven Hort (2019). Globalizing Welfare: An Evolving Asian-European Dialogue, Edgar.


Welfare state retrenchment refers to the act of cutting back the welfare state. What explains different forms and degrees of retrenchment? What are the politics behind retrenchment options? How does the politics of welfare retrenchment operates according to fundamentally different logics from the politics of welfare expansion?

  • Pierson, Paul (1994). ‘The logic of retrenchment’. In: Dismantling the Welfare State?: Reagan, Thatcher and the Politics of Retrenchment. Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics. Cambridge University Press. Pp.13-26.

  • Pierson, Paul (1996). “The New Politics of the Welfare State,” World Politics, 48(2): 143-179.

  • Häusermann, Silja  (2010). The politics of welfare state reform in continental Europe: Modernization in hard times. Cambridge University Press.

Social Investment

What is the aspiration and nature of “social investment turn” in welfare state development in the context of post-industrial new risks? To what extent the social investments rather than passive social transfers could become a key strategy to modernise European welfare states?

  • Esping-Andersen, Gosta (2002). Why we Need a New Welfare State, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Hemerijck, Anton (2017). The Uses of Social Investment, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Morel, Natalie et al.(2011). Towards a Social Investment State? Ideas, Policies and Challenges, Bristol: Policy Press.

Welfare Chauvinism

The redistribution of welfare resources to migrants continues to polarise society and give rise to political exclusion.  How does immigration trigger challenges to welfare state? Why and how welfare chauvinism occurs? How identity politics, racisim and national popularism interplay to shape the practices of welfare state?

  • Blum Sonja (2024). (Un)rightful Entitlements: Exploring the Populist Narratives of Welfare Chauvinism and Welfare Nostalgia. In: Merla, L., Murru, S., Orsini, G., Vuckovic Juros, T. (eds) Excluding Diversity Through Intersectional Borderings. Springer.

  • Kohler-Hausmann, Julilly (2015), Guns and butter: The welfare state, the carceral state, and the politics of exclusion in the postwar United States. The Journal of American History 102 (1): 87-99.

  • Wolfe, Alan and Jytte Klausen (1997). Identity Politics and the Welfare State. Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (2): 231-255.

  • Kitschelt, Herbert. (1997). The radical right in Western Europe: a comparative analysis, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Digital Welfare

Technological change is widely considered to be a key driver of welfare state reform. Over the past decade, governments across the globe have adopted strategies to transform public services through digitalization.  How digitalisation and datafication may challenge the values that underpin the welfare state?

  • Busemeyer, Marius R.(2022). ‘Digitalization, Automation, and the Welfare State: What Do We (Not Yet) Know?', in Marius R. Busemeyer, and others (eds), Digitalization and the Welfare State. Oxford University Press.

  • Thewissen, Stefan and David Rueda (2019). Automation and the Welfare State: Technological Change as a Determinant of Redistributive Preferences. Comparative Political Studies 52 (2): 171-208.

  • Larasati, Z.W. Yuda, T.K. and Syafa'at, A.R (2023). Digital welfare state and problem arising: an exploration and future research agenda. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 43 (5/6): 537-549.

Pandemic and Welfare

In what ways the Covid-19 Pandemic shape the policy response of welfare state?  What are the future of welfare state in the post-pandemic world?

  • Duncan Dustin T. et al.(2024). The Social Epidemiology of the COVID-19 Pandemic. New York: Oxford Academic.

  • Enggist, Matthias, Icon,Silja Häusermann Icon & Michael Pinggera Enggist (2022). The COVID-crisis as an opportunity for welfare recalibration? Panel-data evidence on the effect of the COVID-crisis on welfare preferences in Spain, Germany, and Sweden. Journal of European Public Policy 29 (12): 2007-2021.

  • Dorlach, Tim (2023). Introduction: Exploring the long-term social policy consequences of COVID-19. Global Social Policy 23(2):343-347.

Wrap-up discussion

How to understand and theorise welfare state adaptation in a new global context across the world? How can “East Asian welfare state” take shape with its social-cultural traits in the 21st century? Perspectives on new models of welfare will also be presented and discussed.

  • Barr, Nicholas (2003). The Welfare State as Piggy Bank: Information, Risk, Uncertainty, and the Role of the State, Oxford Academic.

  • Gough, Ian, Geof Wood, Armando Barrientos, Philippa Bevan, Peter Davis, and Graham Room eds.(2004). Insecurity and Welfare Regimes in Asia, Africa, and Latin America: Social Policy in Developmental Contexts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Shafik, M. (2021). What We Owe Each Other: A New Social Contract for a Better Society. Princeton University Press.

Student Assessment

Course essay