Governing China in the 21st Century



 《21世纪的中国治理》(Governing China in the 21st Century)旨在探讨影响21世纪的中国治理的国内和国际议题。中国正处在国家发展的关键时期,面临各种各样的挑战和机遇。中国未来的发展取决于能否在地方、国家和国际层面处理这些问题,建构一个可持续的发展路径。该书系用多学科的视角来研究地方治理、公共行政与政策、社会发展、城市治理、非营利组织、环保政治、区域外交、国际事务等议题。 


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  • 复旦大学副校长、国际关系与公共事务学院国际关系教授、长江学者、Chinese Political Science Review主编、让·莫内学者(欧洲对外政策方向),同时担任中国国际关系学会(Chinese Association of International Studies)副会长。


  • 复旦大学全球公共政策研究院院长、复旦-LSE全球公共政策研究中心共同主任、长江学者、国际关系与公共事务学院“陈树渠”公共管理讲席教授,同时担任《全球公共政策与治理》(Global Public Policy and Governance)主编和《国际公共管理》期刊(International Public Management Journal)联合编辑。

Here are some questions potential authors may have, and our answers.

1. Can we have edited books included in this series?

  • Yes. Both sole or co-authored and edited books (65,000-90,000 words) can be included in the series. We also accept mid-length monograph projects (20,000-50,000 words).

2. What is the scope of issues covered?

  • The focus is on politics, public governance and public affairs in China, including topics related to politics and development, public administration and policy, international relations and diplomacy, as well as socioeconomic issues. If you are not sure, please email the series editors with your book ideas for their opinion.

3. How can I propose a book to the editors?

  • Please send the book proposal and two or three full chapters (a full manuscript is fine) to the series editors by email. We will let you know within a month if the book proposal can progress to peer review process, based on an evaluation of the theme, structure of the book, and quality of the work. If a proposal is accepted by the series editors, the publisher, Palgrave Macmillan, will arrange the blind peer review.

4. How long does the blind peer review process take?

  • Depending on the responsiveness of the reviewers, it can take one to three months. After the peer review, the book proposal may be rejected or conditionally accepted.

5. What are the next steps if a proposal is accepted?

  • The author(s) will sign a contract with Palgrave. You will be contacted by a Commissioning Editor from Palgrave for contract issues. Once the book enters production, a Production Editor from Palgrave will liaison with you to handle manuscript submission and publication. For more details, Download Author Handbook.pdf

6. How long does it take to get a book published?

  • Proposal review may take 1-3 months. The contract and related issues generally take less than one month.

7. What is the reference style of the series?

  • Authors shall be consistent in using reference styles like APA, SPSA, and Chicago Styles.    

8. How about the use of notes?

  • Please use endnotes. Notes are used for further explanations, not for references.