The Doctoral Research Seminar in Public Administration was Held
Time:2024-04-07        Views:16

On March 25th, the Fudan Institute for Global Public Policy (IGPP) organized a research seminar for Ph.D candidates in Public Administration. Professor Yijia Jing, the Dean of the IGPP, Professor Evan Berman from FGV University and a visiting professor at Fudan University, Assistant Professor Xin Ye, the Director of the Ph.D. program, and all doctoral students from the IGPP participated in the event.


At the beginning of the event, Assistant Professor Ye provided a brief introduction to the purpose of the seminar, expressing the hope that doctoral students would make the most of this opportunity to engage in discussions with Professor Berman. Subsequently, Professor Jing introduced Professor Berman to all the attendees. Professor Berman is an internationally renowned scholar in the fields of public performance and management, comparative public administration, and public human resource management.

Professor Berman expressed his eagerness to engage in discussions with the doctoral students and his willingness to help each of them. He then provided valuable advice on conducting research, obtaining a doctoral degree, and starting the professional career. Following that, the doctoral students exchanged their academic experiences, research interests, and future plans with Professor Evan Berman. They received instructive advice tailored to their specific situations, fostering a fruitful and personalized discussion.