Global Public Policy and Governance

About the Journal

Global Public Policy and Governance (GPPG)  promotes multidisciplinary research to reflect on how increasing global interdependence has shaped public policy and governance in its values, structures, dynamics, and consequences, and viceversa.The journal welcomes organizational, administrative, managerial, and policy-based research that explores public sector reforms and developments in an increasingly globalized world. 

The scope of GPPG covers comparative public policy and governance, domestic public policy and governance with global relevance, public policy diffusion across national borders, and regional/global policy and governance. Publications in GPPG are not limited by areas of public policy and preference is given to topics of widespread significance.

GPPG encourages innovative public administration research that breaks through current theoretical paradigms embedded in sovereignty boundaries.

GPPG was included in the Scopus database in 2022, and was also listed in Chinese Social Science Journal AMI Comprehensive Evaluation Periodical Library (中国人文社会科学期刊AMI 综合评价期刊库). The CiteScore 2022 of GPPG is 1.4. This score puts GPPG in the Q2 level among 652 political science and international relations journals, ranking 270th and in the top 42% of this subject.


GPPG flyer: GPPG flyer.pdf

  • Editorial Team

  • Editorial Board Members

  • Published Issues

  • Journal Updates

  • Abstracts

  • Claudia Avellaneda, Indiana University, USA

  • Alexey Barabashev, Higher School of Economics, Russia

  • Francis Berry, Florida State University, USA

  • Trevor Brown, the Ohio State University, USA

  • Wen Chen, Fudan University, China

  • Heungsuk Choi, Korea University, South Korea

  • Rosemary Foot, University of Oxford, UK

  • Terry Gerton, National Academy of Public Administration, USA

  • Simon Glendinning, LSE, UK

  • Daniel Guttman, Tianjin University, China

  • M. Shamsul Haque, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • Timothy Hildebrandt, LSE, UK

  • Kathryn Hochstetler, LSE, UK

  • Martin de Jong, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

  • Paul Kelly, LSE, UK

  • Steve Kelman, Harvard University, USA

  • Jenny Lewis, University of Melbourne, Australia

  • Kuotsai Tom Liou, University of Central Florida, USA

  • Bingchun Meng, LSE, UK

  • Rahul Mukherji, Heidelberg University, Germany

  • Janine O’Flynn, Australian National University, Australia

  • Rosemary O'Leary, University of Kansas, USA

  • Edoardo Ongaro, the Open University, UK

  • Stephen Osborne, University of Edinburgh, UK

  • Margret Pearson, The University of Maryland, USA

  • Xizhe Peng, Fudan University, China

  • James Perry, Indiana University, USA

  • Guy Peters, the University of Pittsburgh, USA

  • Maureen Pirog, Indiana University, USA

  • Jose A. Puppim Oliveira, FGV, Brazil

  • M Ramesh, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  • Bert Rockman, Purdue University, USA

  • Li Tang, Fudan University, China

  • Christopher Tapscott, University of West Cape, South Africa

  • Rene Torenvlied, Twente University, Netherlands

  • Xiaohu Wang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

  • Jiannan Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  • Lan Xue, Tsinghua University, China

  • Xiaojun Yan, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

  • Lihua Yang, Peking University, China

  • Oran Young, University of California, USA

  • Yu Zheng, Fudan University, China

  • Xufeng Zhu, Tsinghua University, China

  • 【Speicial Issue】AI and Public Policy: Many Dimensions and Key Challenges Call for Paper

    This special issue explores the multifaceted impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on society. It encompasses technical, ethical, legal, economic, social, and policy perspectives on recent advances in AI. Core topics include guidelines for responsible AI, algorithmic bias, AI governance models, workforce automation, AI in sectors like healthcare and transportation, AI for sustainability, AI transformations in education, progress in natural language processing, and analyzed effects of the AI revolution across diverse domains and cultures. By assembling experts worldwide across computer science, public policy, law, business, psychology, economics, and international development, this issue promotes discourse on managing equitable global AI progress and upholding human values. Both theoretical and empirical studies are strongly encouraged, including case analyses of real-world AI deployments and socioeconomic impacts in emerging economies.

    Guest Editors:

    Dwayne Woods, Purdue University, USA

    Kyoung-cheol (Casey) Kim, University of Georgia, USA

  • 【Speicial Issue】National Planning Processes: Linking Big Challenges to Public Administration and Governance

    Studies show that countries are increasingly adopting national planning (NP) processes in their development, rising from 62 countries in 2006 to 135 nations in 2018 (Chimhowu et al., 2019; Munro, 2020). Encompassing nearly 80% of the global population, countries have turned to NP in recent years to address challenges posed by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to increase the capacities of their national and subnational governments addressing health, economic development, and public safety, and other purposes. They also adopted NP in as well as in response to setbacks caused by the hyper-liberalization reforms of the 1980s and 1990s.  This increase of national planning processes is a stunning reversal of trends since the 1980s that considered national planning, often linked to national development planning, as an overly bureaucratic and ineffective way addressing national development and other challenges. Despite recent increased interest and use, research is very scarce about NP. What do we know about NP processes? How effective are they? What is new about them? How diverse are they? This symposium defines as NP as ‘any time-bound national-level plan that addresses a major country challenge with a set of coherent objectives that integrates and mobilizes different levels of governments and agencies and in pursuit of shared goals and vision.’ Today, such national plans are sometimes articulated around specific SDGs, the development of specific industrial sectors or technologies, or societal problems. We invite contributions to this Special Issue that informs how these efforts in any sector transform aspirations into effective results, identifying and addressing challenges in their consensus-building and implementation. Papers may pay special attention to the institutional arrangements and capacity, leadership, coordination of organizational actors, democratic and other turnover, and the strategic management and implementation of results.

    Guest Editors:

    Evan Berman, Fundação Getúlio Vargas/EAESP (Brazil) & National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)

    Daniel Guttman, New York University & National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)

    Fabian Telch, George Mason University

  • 【Speicial Issue】New Frontiers of Theory and Practice in Controlling Corruption

    Corruption is a perplexing and perpetual pathology, having haunted human societies for ages with its various forms and ever-changing characteristics. Corruption destabilizes economies, damages social relations, and undermines political legitimacy. It also adversely affects governance, causing low government capacity, shoddy public service provision, murky rules and regulation, and poor policy implementation. At the societal level, corruption aggravates income inequality, destroys social trust,  and leads to social grievances and unrest.

    To deal with the challenges of corruption, governments around the world have made various efforts by adopting more rules and regulations, taking new policy initiatives, and changing strategies and tactics. However, just as the causes of corruption defy simple diagnosis, so do the effects of these efforts. There are cases widely perceived as successful, such as Demark, which has been ranked as the cleanest country in the world by Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and its “three-pronged” strategy, and Singapore's Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) with its solid anti-corruption capacity. However, cases of failure in fighting corruption abound and require equal, if not more, attention. The question is not so much how but why. What lessons can we draw from the successes and failures of fighting corruption? Why have there been so few clean societies around the world? What are good anti-corruption practices, and how can we learn from them?  These questions impel scholars and practitioners to conduct in-depth studies of country- or region-specific initiatives and strategies to investigate what may work, under what circumstances, and to what extent. A one-size-fits-all solution cannot be expected.

    This special issue of Global Public Policy and Governance is organized by the Institute for Global Public Policy at Fudan University and Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption. It aims to examine new developments in anti-corruption theories and practices. Papers dealing with experiences, lessons, and prospects of fighting corruption in specific nations/regions would fit well. Evidence-based papers investigating the causes, patterns or consequences of corruption are also welcome. Authors may choose their own research methods (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed), but papers should all be theoretically sound and empirically informed.

    Guest Editors:

    Ting GONG, Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University, China; Department of Public and International Affairs, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 

SARLAU Chi Ho, Director of Academy Office, ICAC, Hong Kong SAR

  • 【Speicial Issue】Fiscal governance and the Covid Pandemic: Impacts, Responses, and Prospects

    How are government revenues and expenditures responding as the pandemic moves from an acute to a chronic crisis? How are governments adjusting? This special issue seeks to increase knowledge about the responses of governments facing this new reality. Papers addressing fiscal and budgetary impacts in specific nations are welcome. Papers looking at responses across governments would also fit well. There is also room here for contributions that examine more closely particular programmatic areas for pandemic impacts and responses (for example anti-poverty efforts or credit access programs).

    Guest Editors:

    Mark Robbins, University of Connecticut, United States

    Ping Zhang, Fudan University, China

    Tima Moldogazíev, Pennsylvania State University, United States

  • 【Speicial Issue】Low Carbon Urban Governance

    This special issue aims to gather contributions that analyse the governance of low carbon transition issues at the local level in different countries. We invite submissions that introduce novel ideas and evidence-based policy recommendations to improve global low carbon transition governance. Interdisciplinary research papers on relevant topics that combine different theoretical and methodological approaches are particularly welcome.

    Guest Editors:

    Martin de Jong, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

    Haiyan Lu, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

    Wenting Ma, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

  • 【Speicial Issue】Organisational Justifications in Public Governance

    Papers are invited which address the above propositions, hypotheses and questions, with each paper considering semi-autonomous organisations in a selected governmental system. The variety of governmental systems covered in the Special Issue will provide a comprehensive basis for detailed comparative insights and understanding.The papers will need to identify and assess specific justifications (or absence thereof) concerning particular types of semi-autonomous organisations. It will be necessary to extend the analysis of justifications well beyond the more general justifications normally discussed in the literature.

    Guest Editors

    Ian THYNNE, Visiting Professor,Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong
  • 【Speicial Issue】Global Environmental Governance

    This special issue aims to gather contributions that analyze the governance of global environmental issues at local, national and international levels, with a particular focus on multilevel governance and innovative public policies. We invite submissions that introduce novel ideas and evidence-based policy recommendations to improve global environmental governance. Interdisciplinary research papers on relevant topics that combine different theoretical and methodological approaches are particularly welcomed.

    Guest Editors

    Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira, FGV and Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University    Haoqi Qian, Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University                    
  • 【Special Issue】The Impact of Digital and AI Transformation on the Delivery of Public Services

    The past decade has seen profound transformations in the nature of public service delivery. The digital and smart revolutions have changed the structure, processes and content of public service delivery. These are being challenged further now by the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on public services. The societal and economic convulsions produced by the COVID-19 pandemic have also increased the impact of these transformations. This special issue is dedicated to exploring these transformations and their impact for theory and practice.

    Guest editors:

    Stephen Osborne (University of Edinburgh)

    Maria Cucciniello (University of Edinburgh)

    Greta Nasi (Bocconi University, Milan)

    Edwina Zhu (University of Bristol)

  • 【Special Issue】Global Governance of Emerging Technologies

    The 21st century has been witnessing transformative impacts of emerging technologies on the economy, society, and humanity across the globe. An increasing number of countries are prioritizing emerging technology governance on their policy agenda. Yet, in spite of the consensus that governing emerging technologies matters, there is still a lack of knowledge as to who the stakeholders are, in which aspects they participate, how states, international organizations, and NGOs collaborate, and what governance experiences we have learned from the development of information technology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology.

    Guest editors:

    Li Tang (Fudan University)

    Cong Cao (University of Nottingham Ningbo)