

Tim Forsyth


Tim Forsyth is professor of environment and development at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has lived and worked in Asia for more than five years. He specializes in environmental governance and especially the challenges of integrating local livelihoods into global environmental policy. His work is cited in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and he has contributed to the work done by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). He has also been an advisor to the UK Parliament on climate change and development on two occasions.


The course summarizes key themes about environment and development policy. It uses a political and institutional approach to analyze the challenges of resource scarcity, population and development, climate risk and adaptation, poverty and environment, natural disasters and vulnerability, deforestation and governing land use change. The course focuses on debates about “institutions” within environmental policy, how these are made, and how can they help address problems in inclusive and effective ways. The course will refer mainly to questions of rural environmental problems rather than urban and industrial concerns about pollution. It will, however, review how climate change policies can operate to reduce pollution and risk. Students can expect to learn about environmental problems and about different frameworks for addressing them using political economy and institutional approaches.


At the end of the course students will understand:

  • Approaches to environmental policies based on institutions and political economy

  • The relationships of poverty and environment, especially in developing countries

  • The academic theories of institutions to understand communal action for conservation, natural disasters, or resource scarcity

  • Challenges of understanding climate change and biodiversity beyond simple bio physical changes

  • Institutional structures of new policies to govern agricultural commodities and landscape change



Topic (2.5 teaching hours)


The challenges of environment and development: do poorer societies see environmental problems differently?


Environmental scarcity and population: what is adaptation to resource scarcity?


The politics of environmental science and expert organizations: how do we know problems and solutions?


Gender, environment and development: how to understand agency and identity in environmental policy


Natural hazards: why are some people more vulnerable than others?


Adaptation to climate change and conflict: what is the best form of adaptation?


Institutions theory: Common Property Regime theory and its criticisms


Global climate change policy : how does it work and what needs to be done?


Biodiversity and forests policy : how to govern palm oil and different values


Multi-level, multi-actor governance : REDD+ climate and forests

Student Assessment

Proposed: class presentation (25%) and essay (75%)