Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change: A Comparative Study of Governance Processes in Australia, China, and the United States        April. 2024

In facing the intensifying global climate change, effective climate adaptation policies are pivotal in safeguarding societal resilience and ecological sustainability. Thus, in April 2024, the Institute for Global Public Policy (IGPP) at Fudan University and the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) in the United States officially released the joint research report Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change: A Comparative Study of Governance Processes in Australia, China, and the United States. Since 2021, with NAPA and IGPP as lead sponsors and Professor Dan Guttman (Fellow of NAPA and Adjunct Professor of IGPP) as the project coordinator, a research team of two dozen social/natural science, law, and business scholars and practitioners from Australia, China and the United States have undertaken to study how the countries are meeting climate impacts, what can be learned from comparing governance efforts, and how extant governance tools and approaches may need transformation.

This report is freely accessible for download and distribution. Cite this report:
Institute for Global Public Policy & National Academy of Public Administration (2024). Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change: A Comparative Study of Governance Processes in Australia, China, and the United States.

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