编辑/Editor(s):Yijia Jing, Jung-Sun Han, Keiichi Ogawa
出版社/Publisher:Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore
敬乂嘉教授领衔主编的英文著作《东亚的风险管理:系统与前沿》,近期由Palgrave出版社出版。该书从东亚的国家风险(应急)管理体系、风险管理体系中的多元合作与参与、后现代社会的风险管理、风险管理的国际合作等角度出发,对中日韩三国的相关发展与实践进行了研究和分析。本书由复旦大学敬乂嘉教授、韩国高丽大学Jung-Sun Han教授和日本神户大学Keiichi Ogawa教授共同主编,由近20位东亚和国际学者共同参与写作。复旦大学、高丽大学与神户大学是教育部“亚洲校园”项目(亚洲的风险管理专家)的共同举办单位,三方开展了卓有成效的双学位项目、学生学者交流、联合科研等各项合作。本书是三方在“亚洲校园”的正式实施期取得的重要联合科研成果,填补了东亚研究在该领域的空白。
Yijia Jing is dean of the Institute for Global Public Policy and a professor of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University.
Jung-Sun Han is a professor at the Division of International Studies, Korea University.
Keiichi Ogawa is a professor at the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University.
Louise K. Comfort, Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh
Risk Management in East Asia presents a path-breaking step toward building a common approach to managing the shared risks that challenge China, Japan, and South Korea. Anchored by education leaders at three universities, the book articulates a view of disaster management as learning to cope with hazards that cross international boundaries.
Shigeru Aoyagi, Director, UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education
In early 2020, COVID-19 was just emerging as an unprecedented threat to humanity. Analysis and control of this pandemic and future crises remains a challenge. Based on the educational cooperation among leading universities, Risk Management in East Asia breaks a new path understanding the evolving ideas and realigning practices in China, Japan, and South Korea to confront the shifting natures of risks in the region.
Xiaoyan Liang, Lead Education Specialist, The World Bank
Risk management and regional cooperation tend to be overlooked by national governments. This new book provides practical guide and advice on mitigating risks in a post-modern industrialized world where climate change, industrial revolution, geopolitical forces, and pandemics could further exacerbate the human living environment. Indeed, this is a very timely book.
Jing Y., Han JS., Ogawa K. (eds) (2021). Risk Management in East Asia: Systems and Frontier Issues. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.