
Fudan-LSE Lecture Series No.40



The Dynamics of Innovation in Local Governments



Professor Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira, FGV and Fudan University



Professor Yijia Jing, IGPP, Fudan University



Associate Professor Yitian Huang, SIRPA, Fudan University



12:00-13:30 (Beijing Time), April.13th



Room 805E, 8th Floor, West Sub-building of Guanghua Towers


Tencent Meeting ID:271 385 764Password: 111222

腾讯会议会议号:271 385 764会议密码:111222


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主讲人介绍/ The Speaker:

Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira is a Visiting Fudan Chair Professor at IGPP and faculty member at FGV (Fundação Getulio Vargas), a think-tank in Brazil. He is the leader of the IFWEN Consortium. He has extensive experience in teaching and research in public administration, urban planning, management and global environmental change. His research and policy interests concentrate in the political economy of institution building and policy implementation at different levels, looking at how global environmental change and local institutions are interlinked to steer urban governance and action. His experience comprises work in more than 20 countries in all continents. He has been an instructor, consultant and researcher for several organizations such as different United Nations agencies, the OECD, the World Bank, sub-national and national governments, and various NGOs and small and large firms. He seats in several research advisory boards, such as Sao Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP), Belmont Forum and Wellcome Trust.

This is the inaugural lecture of Prof. Oliveira's Fudan Chair Professorship. 

讲座内容/ Abstract:

Innovation in the public sector can significantly improve the quality of public services and increase the problem-solving capacity of organizations for addressing societal challenges, particularly those new issues in the global agenda, such as climate change. Local governments have been acknowledged as key stakeholders for boosting innovation using collaborative initiatives between diverse sectors and levels. However, the mechanisms that foster the innovative capabilities in the public sector through intersectoral interactions, including international collaborations, are still under researched. This presentation will discuss the dynamics of innovation process in the local governments using the results of the Belmont Forum project “IFWEN-Understanding Innovative Initiatives for Governing Food, Water and Energy Nexus in Cities” (https://jpi-urbaneurope.eu/project/ifwen/). Innovations in the use of green and blue infrastructure in cities can improve the trade-offs between water, food and energy (FWE), the main idea behind the FWE Nexus (FWEN). The IFWEN is a transdisciplinary research project that studied cities in Asia, Africa and Latin America to develop a framework to assess innovation in FWEN using Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) at the urban level.