【招生】2023年LSE暑期学校申请通知 2023 LSE Summer School Applications Open

Applications for LSE Summer School 2023 (Session 3) are now open to Fudan Students. Below is brief information about the summer school. You can also find more details in the attached files.




Session Three Dates 

Session 3 takes place from 31 July– 18 August 2023


Course information 

We are offering more than 90 courses across seven subject areas, reflecting LSE's wide-ranging strengths across the social sciences. Staff and students can access the course outlines on our website which can facilitate the credit approval process.

Fees & Accommodation

Visit our Fees page for 2023 tuition fee rates. Our Accommodation page also includes details about room options and rates.

Application instructions 

The application form can be accessed via the Summer School website. You can find a detailed application guide attached.


English Language requirements

For the subject areas of Finance, Economics, Accounting and Research Methods (Excluding course ME305) we can accept TOEFL - 93 (minimum 23 in each component) and IELTS 6.5 (minimum 6.5 in each component).

The course ME305 and the subject areas of Management, Law, International Relations, Government and Society all will be subject to the standard English Language requirements (TOEFL: 107 or above (including 25 in each component), IELTS: 7.0 or above (including 7 in all components).

All students providing any CET score will be required to take the Preparatory English course. 


Please contact the LSE Summer School Office directly by sending an email at summer.school@lse.ac.uk.

LSE Summer-School-Brochure 2023.pdf

LSE Summer School Application Guide 2023.pdf