
Fudan-LSE Lecture Series No.45



India’s Emergence in the Global Economic Order



Prof. Rahul Mukherji, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University

拉胡尔·穆克吉教授 德国海德堡大学南亚研究所


Prof. Yijia Jing, IGPP, Fudan University

敬乂嘉教授 复旦大学全球公共政策研究院


Prof. Dingli Shen, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University

沈丁立教授 复旦大学国际问题研究院


12:00-13:30 (Beijing Time), May 29th



Room 805E, 8th Floor, West Sub-building of Guanghua Towers


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主讲人介绍/ The Speaker:

Rahul Mukherji is Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science at the South Asia Institute in Heidelberg University in Germany. He has served as the South Asia Institute director (2020-2022) and as speaker for the Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (2021-2022). Mukherji has taught at the National University of Singapore (Singapore), the Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi), Hunter College (New York) and the University of Vermont (Burlington). He is co-chair of the China-India workshop founded by Fudan University in Shanghai. Mukherji edits Indian Politics and Policy and serves on the board of journals such as India Review, Pacific Affairs and Governance. He co-edits the Oxford Institutions and Development in South Asia book series. His books include Globalization and Deregulation: Ideas, Interests and Institutional Change in India (Oxford University Press, 2014). Mukherji holds a PhD in Political Science from Columbia University. See: https://www.uniheidelberg.de/sai/pol/team/mukherji.html

讲座内容/ Abstract:

This lecture will review a variety of paths that a country can take to engage with the global economic order. It will argue that India has opted for the “embedded liberal” path building on the work of Karl Polanyi and John Ruggie. The country has transitioned from the “structural conflict” mode towards an “embedded liberal” path. The lecture will review negotiations leading to India’s National Action Plan for Climate Change (2008), its performance in trade negotiations, and regarding vaccine diplomacy, to assess how robust is this path for the future of India’s emergence.