
Fudan-LSE Lecture Series No.46



The Future of Higher Education (H.E.) in the Arab World and the Impact of H.E. on Global Human Development



Prof. Amr Ezzat Salama, Secretary General, Association of Arab Universities

萨拉马教授、秘书长 阿拉伯大学协会


Prof. Yijia Jing, IGPP, Fudan University

敬乂嘉教授 复旦大学全球公共政策研究院


Prof. Degang Sun, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Fudan University

孙德刚教授 复旦大学中东研究中心

Mr. Anson Chan, Board Director of Fudan University Education Development Foundation

陈耀璋先生 复旦大学教育发展基金会董事(海外)


13:30-15:00 (Beijing Time), June 19th



Siyuan Hall, 30th Floor, West Main-building of Guanghua Towers


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主讲人介绍/ The Speaker:

Dr. Amr Ezzat Salama is a Professor of Structural Engineering and the Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities (AArU). He was a Counselor of the American University in Cairo, a President of the Helwan University and a former Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology of Egypt. Dr. Salama received the Excellency Award in 2006 and the State Award for Science in Engineering Science in 2012. He got his PhD in Structural Engineering from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom and received the Honorary Professorship of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

讲座内容/ Abstract:

The Arab higher education carries great importance in human and economic development. It contributes to the capabilities and skills of Arab youth and raises the level of education, training and innovation in Arab societies. In addition, linking Arab Universities with other universities globally plays a vital role in promoting cooperation and knowledge exchange between Arab universities with Fudan and other Chinese universities. It also enhances regional and international cooperation and contributes to novel knowledge creation. In short, Arab higher education represents an essential pillar in high human development, prepares competitiveness for Arab young in the labor market, and facilitates innovative, comprehensive and sustainable development in Arab societies.