
About this event/关于活动:   

This is the third event of the Penn-Fudan Virtual Series on Global Issues and Governance jointly organized by the Penn Wharton China Center and the Institute for Global Public Policy at Fudan University. As the increasing aging population has posed new challenges and opportunities to employment, retirement and welfare state institutions around the globe, we invite scholars from China and the US to have a comparative discussion.


Event Time/ 活动时间:   

8 AM Eastern Time, April 27th 2022; 8 PM Beijing Time, April 27th 2022


Venue/ 地点: 

Zoom Meeting/ Zoom会议(点击链接进入会议,密码:714888)

Language/ 语言:

English/ 英语

Sign up/ 报名方式:


Opening Remarks/ 开场致辞



About the Moderator/ 主持人

Dan Guttman


About the speakers/ 主讲人


英国伦敦政治经济学院博士,复旦大学文科资深教授,现任复旦大学人口与发展政策研究中心主任,复旦大学老龄研究院院长等职。曾任上海市社联副主席、中国人口学会副会长等职;也曾在多个国际学术团体中担任专业委员会或科学委员会委员。长期在中国人口动态和人口政策、社会发展和社会政策、老龄化和社会性别研究等几个相对独立而又紧密相关的领域从事教学科研和决策咨询工作。1992年开始享受国务院特殊津贴,是中华人口奖、中国老年学和老年医学学会 “杰出贡献奖”、复旦管理学杰出贡献奖的获得者。



Hans-Peter Kohler

美国宾夕法尼亚大学社会学系Frederick J. Warren人口学教授,人口老龄化研究中心联合主任。1997年毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,获人口学硕士学位和经济学博士学位。曾获美国人口协会Clifford C. Clogg早期职业成就奖、美国社会学协会Otis Dudley Duncan社会人口学杰出成果奖。

About the event organizers/ 主办单位

Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University

The Fudan Institute for Global Public Policy (IGPP) highlights Fudan University’s new initiative to innovate research and education in social sciences and particularly in public policy. In partnership with the newly established LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy and its LSE branch in London, the Institute aims to advance research on global public policy, to produce world-class research outputs, and to generate global academic and social impacts, in response to unprecedented global policy and governance challenges that call for designed and coordinated human actions. Both the Institute and the Centre are a platform for policy studies driven by a genuine global and multidisciplinary perspective. For more information on IGPP, please visit https://igpp.fudan.edu.cn/igppen/.

Penn Wharton China Center

The Penn Wharton China Center (PWCC), opened in Beijing in 2015, represents the University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton School’s long-standing commitment to advance its engagement with China in an increasingly interconnected global environment. To learn more about The Penn Wharton China Center, please visit whr.tn/about-pwcc.

Fudan Institute on Aging

Fudan Institute on Aging (FIA) is the first ageing institute established in Chinese universities. In collaboration with Fudan departments and schools in social sciences, natural sciences, medical sciences and engineering, FIA focuses on ageing society governance, silver economy, ageing ethics and culture, elderly health, and comparative ageing studies, and establishes a laboratory of ageing psychology and behavior. Aiming at developing scientific research, policy advice, graduate education, and public engagement, FIA is committed to building itself as a leading ageing institute that facilitates the communication of ageing studies and practices between China and the world.

Penn Population Aging Research CenterFudan University

The Population Aging Research Center (PARC) at the University of Pennsylvania has over 25 years of experience of creating the right setting for interdisciplinary research on the demography and economics of aging, including a focus on diverse and often underrepresented populations domestically and globally. The Population Aging Research Center (PARC) was established in 1994 with a grant from the National Institute on Aging. PARC sponsors an annual pilot proposal competition, a weekly seminar series in conjunction with the Population Studies Center, the Penn Population Studies Colloquium and an online working paper series, the Population Center Working Papers (PSC/PARC). The overall research themes of PARC reflect the interests and expertise of our research associates. These include Health Care and Long-Term Care in Older Adults, Cognition and Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia (ADRD), Health Disparities in Aging, Early Life-Conditions and Older Adult Health, Behaviour and Well-Being, and Global Aging and Health. To learn more about PARC, please visit http://parc.pop.upenn.edu.