Global Public Policy and Governance颁发2023年度最佳论文奖

近日,国际期刊Global Public Policy and Governance(GPPG)公布了“2023年度最佳论文奖”。本年度最佳论文评委会由巴西FGV大学的Evan Berman教授(评委会主席),英国伦敦政治经济学院的Tim Hildebrandt副教授,荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学的Martin de Jong教授,和复旦大学的唐莉教授等四位编委会成员构成。评委会通过对2023年度出版的所有研究性论文的议题重要性、理论贡献度、实证严谨性和可持续影响力等方面的综合评估,投票选出了两篇优秀论文。获奖论文聚焦全球气候治理中的城市平行外交和气候资金支持等前沿议题。论文和作者基本信息如下:


1. de Macedo, Laura S. Valente, Jacobi P. R., and de Oliveira, J. A. P. (2023). Paradiplomacy of cities in the Global South and Multilevel Climate Governance: Evidence from Brazil. Global Public Policy and Governance, 3(1): 86-115.






The Awards Committee selected “Paradiplomacy of cities in the Global South and Multilevel Climate Governance: Evidence from Brazil” as Best Paper 2023 in Global Public Policy and Governance on the basis of its outstanding originality and potential for high impact on research, theory, or practice within the discipline. This paper presents the ideas of city diplomacy and cities as transnational networks which can be applied to many areas of public policy, in addition to global climate governance. The committee is confident that the paper will be well-cited in future years and contribute to future scholarship in global public policy and governance. In addition, the committee noted that the paper is well-written and demonstrates rigorous analysis.


Laura Valente de Macedo

Laura Valente de Macedo是巴西FGV-EAESP的博士后研究员,研究兴趣包括多层次气候治理、城市基础设施以及城市中的食物-水-能源关系。目前,她正在从事有关蓝绿基础设施的研究项目。该项目旨在改善城市中的粮食、水和能源关系(FWEN)。

Pedro Roberto Jacobi

Pedro Roberto Jacobi是巴西圣保罗大学能源与环境研究院教授。他的研究领域包括水治理、城市环境治理与社会参与、社会学习与可持续发展教育,以及城市与气候变化。他还出版了多部相关领域的著作和文章。此外,他还担任《环境与社会》(Ambiente e Sociedade)杂志的编辑。

Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira

Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira是巴西FGV大学教授。他的研究兴趣集中在可持续发展领域,关注不同层级的治理模式、制度建设和政策实施。他曾任联合国大学高等研究院(UNU-IAS)的高级研究员和助理主任,英国伦敦大学研究员,以及西班牙圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉大学玛丽居里研究员(Marie Curie Fellow)。


“I am deeply honored to share my research within the esteemed academic community of Fudan University. Contributing my article, Paradiplomacy of Cities in the Global South and Multilevel Climate Governance: Evidence from Brazil, to the Global Public Policy and Governance journal was an enriching and invaluable experience. I am grateful for the recognition my study received, which would not have been possible without the insights and support of my colleagues, mentors, and the constructive feedback from peer reviewers and editors.”

—— Laura Valente de Macedo


2.Qian, H., Qi, J., and Gao, X. (2023). What Determines International Climate Finance? Payment Capability, Self-Interests and Political Commitment. Global Public Policy and Governance, 3(1): 41-59.





The Awards Committee selected “What Determines International Climate Finance? Payment Capability, Self-Interests and Political Commitment” as Best Paper 2023 in Global Public Policy and Governance on the basis of its outstanding and highly rigorous analysis. The committee believes this article will impact and guide future scholarship and set standards for empirical analysis in Global Public Policy and Governance. This paper analyzes the factors explaining the underprovision of climate finance, focusing donors’ characteristics on finding key results. The committee also finds the paper original in its focus, well-written, and impactful in its findings.



钱浩祺是复旦大学全球公共政策研究院副教授、院长助理,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者,担任全球政治经济双学位项目主任、IMPA项目副主任,入选中国知网高被引学者Top1%(理论经济学)。他的研究兴趣涉及能源与环境治理、政策评估与仿真和经济社会大数据分析,并在Nature Sustainability, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Climate Policy以及《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》等国内外权威期刊上发表文章。


祁霁是复旦大学全球公共政策研究院博士候选人,研究兴趣包括气候政策和可持续发展。她已在多本国际期刊上发表论文,包括Global Public Policy and Governance、Carbon Neutrality和Energy, Ecology and Environment。在攻读博士学位之前,她获得了复旦大学和英国伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)联合授予的双硕士学位。此外,她于2022年担任联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)欧洲地区的公共合作伙伴关系实习生。




“We are truly grateful to receive this recognition from Global Public Policy and Governance. It is incredibly rewarding to have our work acknowledged, especially considering the effort that went into bringing this paper to fruition. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the editors and the entire editorial team for their continued support and for fostering such an invaluable platform for research on governance and public policy. This recognition inspires us to keep advancing our work on climate and development, and we look forward to future opportunities to contribute further to this important field.”

—— Haoqi Qian, Ji Qi, Xiang Gao