
复旦大学全球公共政策研究院和复旦-LSE全球公共政策研究中心于 2022年6月27-28日,以“全球公共政策与治理”为主题,邀请复旦大学、LSE和世界银行等机构学者专家,开展线上学术演讲,以拓宽高校学生和青年学者对“全球公共政策与治理”的视野,进一步了解复旦与LSE的科研和学位项目合作。



11:00am-12:00pmCorruption and Good GovernanceGong TingFudan University
4:00pm-5:30pmThe Politics of Pandemic: Lessons from HIV/AIDS for Understanding Post-Covid 19 Social PolicyTimothy HildebrandtLSE
8:00pm-9:30pmClimate Change: Developing Countries in the UN Climate NegotiationsKathryn HochstetlerLSE
8:30am-10:00amSome Technology Governance Challenges for your Generation: Biotech, Cyber/AI, Geoengineering-and Nuclear EnergyDaniel Guttman  Tianjin University/Fudan University
The Transition to the Knowledge Economy, Labour Market Institutions, and Income InequalityAngelo MartelliLSE
7:00pm-8:30pmFrontiers and Advances in Performance ManagementEvan BermanFGV/Fudan University





Wang Tao(汪滔)

Wang Tao is Senior Climate Change and Environmental Specialist at the World Bank. He brings his extensive knowledge and experience on climate change, green finance, and sustainable development. He led the development and implementation of the World Bank’s Climate Change Action Plan and took leadership roles in several global climate funds, the latest being Director of Mitigation and Adaptation at the Green Climate Fund. Earlier in his career, he worked at Accenture, leading consulting engagements. He holds master’s degree in finance/financial engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.

Personal Web: https://igpp.fudan.edu.cn/igppen/9a/b2/c20934a236210/page.htm              

Gong Ting(公婷)

Gong Ting earned her BA and MA from Fudan University, China, and MA and Ph.D. in political science from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs of Syracuse University, USA. Her main research areas include corruption studies, public governance, and political institutions. She is the author of the first English book-length study of China’s corruption. Her most recent book, Corruption Prevention and Good Governance in Hong Kong, co-authored with Professor Ian Scott, is published by Routledge (UK) and has been translated into Chinese. She serves on the editorial boards of top academic journals such as Governance, Public Management Review, The China Quarterly, and Policy and Politics. She has received prestigious grants from Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC), Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong (ICAC) and other institutions.

Personal Web: https://igpp.fudan.edu.cn/igppen/40/9f/c20933a409759/page.htm              


现任复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院教授、副院长。主要研究领域为人口老龄化、家庭转型、人口政策。近年在Population and Development Review,Demography,Demographic Research,Chinese Sociological Review,《人口研究》和《金融研究》等国内外权威期刊发表论文三十余篇,出版两本专著。入选国家级人才计划,担任国家社科基金重大项目首席专家。主讲课程荣获教育部来华留学英语授课品牌课程、上海市高校外国留学生英语授课示范性课程、上海市教学成果奖等荣誉。


Timothy Hildebrandt

Timothy Hildebrandt is Associate Professor of social policy and development at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He serves as a member of the academic advisory board of the LSE-Fudan Centre for Global Public Policy and is also on the editorial board of Global Public Policy and Governance. His research focuses on social and public policy, political science, communication, development, civil society, sexuality, and Asian studies.

Personal Web: https://www.lse.ac.uk/social-policy/people/academic-staff/Dr-Timothy-Hildebrandt

Kathryn Hochstetler

Kathryn Hochstetler is Professor of International Development and Head of the Department of International Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She has researched this theme from many angles - global environmental negotiations, regional trade agreements (Mercosur), and through the study of national environmental movements, environment policy, and democratic institutions, primarily in South America.

Personal Web: https://www.lse.ac.uk/international-development/people/kathy-hochstetler

Daniel Guttman

Dan Guttman is a teacher and lawyer and has been a public servant. He served as Executive Director of a US Presidential bioethics advisory Commission, was Presidentially appointed Commissioner of the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, directed US Senate investigations of government energy and environmental management, and was UNDP and EU “foreign expert advisor” on China environmental law development. He is a National Academy of Public Administration Fellow, and graduated from Yale Law School and the University of Rochester.

Personal Web: https://igpp.fudan.edu.cn/igppen/f2/cb/c20934a258763/page.htm



个人主页: https://faculty.fudan.edu.cn/zhengyu/zh_CN/index.htm

Angelo Martelli

Angelo Martelli is Assistant Professor in European and International Political Economy at the LSE European Institute. He worked as a Consultant for the Jobs Group of the World Bank, as a Policy Fellow for the Open Innovation Team of the UK Cabinet Office and HM Treasury and as a Technical Expert for the IMF. His research interests span labour economics and European political economy, with a particular focus on the impact of technology on the evolution of employment structures across Europe and its implications for labour market institutions and income inequality.

Personal Web: https://www.lse.ac.uk/european-institute/people/angelo-martelli

Evan Berman

Evan Berman is a leading, award-winning scholar in public administration with interests in public performance, leadership, comparative public management and HRM. He is currently Fudan Adjunct Chair Professor at IGPP. He spent 15 years in Asia-Pacific. He is a recipient of the Fred Riggs Award for lifetime career achievement in International and Comparative Public Administration (American Society for Public Administration) and a First Class Teaching Award from the Shanghai Municipal Government. He is the author of 200 publications, including articles in the top journals in the field.

Personal Web: https://igpp.fudan.edu.cn/igppen/52/f4/c20933a283380/page.htm