发布时间:2023-09-11        浏览次数:365

2023年7月3日至14日,复旦-LSE全球公共政策研究中心和复旦大学全球公共政策研究院成功举办首届“全球公共政策”国际暑期学校。此次暑期学校针对全球公共政策的核心议题进行了深入探讨,特别是中国在全球化中日益重要的角色。来自伦敦政治经济学院 (LSE) 的教授为学生讲授了“国际发展与中国” (International Development and China) 与“全球视野下的中国媒体:整合与冲突”(Chinese Media, Global Contexts: Convergence and Conflicts) 两门课程。本届暑期学校吸引了来自复旦大学、同济大学、北京外国语大学、伦敦国王学院、香港科技大学、对外贸易经济大学等海内外高校众多学生参与,在为期两周的全英文学习与交流中,同学们从多角度深化了对当代中国公共政策的理解。


“国际发展与中国”课程由LSE国际关系系Alvaro Mendez教授和Chris Alden教授授课,研究院助理教授李蕴雄博士担任课程助教。课程围绕中国的一带一路倡议及其全球影响展开,尤其关注发展中国家和地区。通过实证研究与案例的讲授,本课程探究了中国作为全球南方的重要贸易伙伴和投资方,如何在国际发展与治理中发挥影响力。

“全球视野下的中国媒体:整合与冲突”课程由LSE媒体与传播系的Bingchun Meng教授授课,复旦大学新闻与传播学博士生汪婷担任课程助教。该课程对中国媒体与传播在近几十年中发生转型的关键方面进行了批判性分析。Bingchun Meng教授带领学生深入解读了媒体和传播行业在政治、商业和文化相互作用下的复杂运营机制,并探讨了在中国经济增长、社会分层和地缘政治格局转变背景下,意义和叙事之间产生的紧张与冲突。





I chose the course “International Development and China” because I wanted to know and deepen my understanding of what responsibility China is taking around the world. I learned how important curiosity could be. Behind the familiar facts and simple questions, there could be complicated answers. Take one example, is Brazil a BRI country? When you search on the Internet, the answer is no, and things get really interesting. I think that’s one of the most intriguing attractions of studying here. Those wise answers contribute to our understandings of a complicated world.


何钰 (复旦大学)

From the courses, I learned about how social media developed in China and connected to the world. And we also learned so many hot topics in our daily life -- how they connect to the future and culture of our social media development. It’s my honour to take part in this course and learn so much wonderful knowledge.


Akhil Reuben Kanagaraj (迈阿密大学)

I come from India, which has been greatly influenced by China in the process of globalization. Many Chinese enterprises invest in India and build infrastructure, while the international multilateral organizations led by China, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and AIIB, have gradually increased their influence. Indian young people need to better understand China and learn from its development experience. This summer school provides such a good opportunity, and also helps me to learn Chinese language.


教师感悟 :


This summer, the Institute for Global Public Policy of Fudan University organized our first International Summer School on Global Public Policy. For two weeks, our students immersed themselves in reading, lectures, and discussions on media and international development theories and frontier research. They also refined their learning goals and research interests. As the program director, I am proud of their achievements.