Governing Global Environmental Challenges

Instructor Name
José A. Puppim
de Oliveira
Instructor Biography
José A. Puppim de Oliveira is Visiting Chair Professor at IGPP, Fudan University and faculty member at FGV, Brazil, with extensive international experience in teaching and research in global environmental change. His research and policy interests concentrate in the political economy of governance, institution building and policy implementation at different levels, looking at how global environmental change and local institutions are interlinked to steer governance and action. His experience comprises work in more than 20 countries in all continents. He has been an instructor, consultant and researcher for several organizations such as different United Nations agencies, the OECD, the World Bank, sub-national and national governments, and various NGOs and small and large firms. He has published twelve books and more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is among the most influential researchers worldwide.
Course Description
The course provides a critical analysis of the challenges for tackling global environmental change at the different levels, particularly in Asia and developing countries. Innovations in public policy, governance and business management have been introduced to deal with global changes, such as depletion of the ozone layer, climate change and loss of biodiversity. China has played a key role in influencing global responses to environmental problems. However, who are the main political and economic actors shaping decisions? How are actions to counter global changes decided? How to build capacity in public and private organizations to deal with these changes? How do we evaluate strategies and projects in the area? In this course we will address these and other issues, in order to analyze and develop ideas and tools to work with global environmental issues in governments, private companies and civil society.
Course Schedule
Ten Session Topics
Introduction to Global Environmental Change
Understanding Global Commons
Global Environmental Governance
Climate Change
Ozone Layer
Urban and Local Responses
The Role of Business and Non-Governmental Organizations
China and Asia
The Way Forward in Global Environmental Change
Learning Outcomes
Understand the main concepts related to Global Environmental Change.
Analyze how the concepts of Global Environmental Sustainability have been applied in public affairs and business internationally through case studies and examples from around the world.
Discuss the current trends in the theory and practice of s Global Environmental Sustainability in governments and companies, a frontier theme in management.
Work with specific cases and exercises connected to the solution of global environmental issues in real world cases.