Xin Ye
Title and Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Fudan University
Time: Session 1, afternoon
Time: Session 1, afternoon
Course Description: “Social Policy and Development” is a comprehensive course designed to introduce students to the intricacies of social policy and its impact on social change. Throughout the course, students will explore a variety of social issues such as poverty, inequality, migration, housing, health, and aging within a comparative framework.

Søren Harnow Klausen
Title and Affiliation: Professor, University of Southern Denmark
Time: Session 1, evening
Time: Session 1, evening
Course Description: The course gives a solid introduction to ethical principles and guidelines for public policy. It demonstrates how ethics can applied to policymaking and policy assessment in a constructive manner, using it as a tool for innovation and implementation and not just as a constraining factor.

Mobarak Hossain
Title and Affiliation: Assistant Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
Time: Session 2, morning
Time: Session 2, morning
Course Description: This course examines the intersection of education policy and inequality across diverse global contexts, with a strong focus on low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Through a comparative lens, students will explore how historical, political, and economic factors shape educational access, quality, and outcomes for various social groups.

Yuxi Zhang
Title and Affiliation: Assistant Professor in Health Policy and Systems, University College London
Time: Session 2, afternoon
Time: Session 2, afternoon
Course Description: This course provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the policy challenges faced by national health systems in the Global South. The course is structured around the WHO building blocks of health systems—such as workforce, financing, medicine, and more—to equip students with a widely used and solid theoretical framework for understanding health systems and conducting policy research in their future studies. Additionally, by contextualizing health challenges within the broader political

Chunrong Liu
Title and Affiliation: Professor of Political Science at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University
Time: Session 2, evening
Time: Session 2, evening
Course Description: The modern welfare state was a European invention that took shape gradually during the twentieth century. As a response to the social problems of industrialisation, urbanisation, and poverty around the late nineteenth century, it seeks to regulate both civil society and the market through social policies, in order to distribute economic resources more progressively and to ensure that all citizens enjoy a basic measure of social and economic security.