【Call For Papers】Global Populism and Governance


Global Populism and Governance


A conference hosted by


                                       Global Public Policy and Governance

                                      Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University

                                       LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy


                               Submission of proposals: Jan 15 2021

                               Submission of draft papers: Jun 15 2021


本次会议由Global Public Policy and Governance期刊、复旦大学全球公共政策研究院和复旦-LSE全球公共政策研究中心联合发起,邀请各位有意向的投稿人以全球民粹主义与治理为主题参与会议研讨,并在Global Public Policy and Governance上发布一期特刊。欢迎有意向投稿的作者于2021年1月15日前把论文摘要发送至邮箱gppg@fudan.edu.cn。收到摘要接收通知的作者需于2021年6月15日前把论文全文发送至gppg@fudan.edu.cn。

Guest editor

Bert Rockman, Professor Emeritus, Purdue University


Background and purpose

Populism has been reshaping the post-WWII liberal political and economic regimes in both domestic and global contexts. Brexit and the US presidential election of Trump are two major examples of how thedecline ofwestern economic dominance,increasing socioeconomic inequality, rising anti-elitism/institutionalism movements and other factors have been changing the relations between the state andcitizens and forged new ways to refresh and maintain governance capacities and legitimacy. Populism, despite its conceptual ambiguity and its local variations, hasinfluencedgovernance responses to complex and urgent social and scientificsuch as the Covid-19 Pandemic and Climate Change.


This conference, co-sponsored by the journal Global Public Policy and Governance, Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University and LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy invites contributions that further delve into the multiformity of populism and its effects on global public policy and governanceto publish a special issue of the journal Global Public Policy and Governance. As populism evolves in different issue and national contexts, this special issue welcomes conceptual explorations of the varieties of populism, their internal connections, and their connections to other social movements and concepts. Contributors are expected to analyse the causes of the populist movements; their constituencies ; institutional opportunities for such movements to emerge; the nature of the demand for and the supply of populist opportunities to achieve power; and the extent to which they differ cross-nationally or are similar.


Equally important, the special issue explores the effects of populism on public policy and governance. How will populist movements shape the strategies and behaviour of political, administrative and other players in policy making? Are populistic trends in the public sector changing its capacities to deliver public goods and services? Contributions are welcome to address issues such as evidence-based policy making, citizen trust in governments, politics-administration interactions, service efficiency and citizen participation, and government responses to crises under the influence of populism.


Individual papers may address any of the following questions or beyond

Conceptualization of populism

The varieties of populism across issues and jurisdictions

Sources of support for populism

Institutional opportunities as well as constraints on populism

Comparative populism

Public policy making and populism

Populism and its impact on governance capacities

Expertise under populistic politics

Populistic influences on government response to Covid-19

Public participation, citizen trust, and populism

Populism and its policy effects in different countries and regions

Populism and global governance


Working plan

Proposals should be submitted to(gppg@fudan.edu.cn) by Jan 15 2021. Proposals shall be 1-2 pages and include author names, affiliations, titles, emails, and the research ideas including topic, research question, theoretical framework, methods and preliminary conclusions.


Decision will be issued in two weeks after the submission of the proposals.


Invited authors shall submit full draft papers to(gppg@fudan.edu.cn) by 15 Jun 2021.


A virtual or an in-person conference will be organized at Fudan University in late Jun 2021 for authors to present their papers and do discussions, contingent on global pandemic situations. If only a virtual conference is organized in Jun, the in-person conference option will be reserved for a future date when conditions allow.


Authors will be given one month to revise their papers according to comments from the conference and the guest editor, and should submit papers directly to the online submission system of Global Public Policy and Governance. All papers will go through a peer review processes organized by the guest editor.


More details are available at:https://www.springer.com/journal/43508