On April 18, 2024, the Fudan Institute for Global Public Policy (IGPP) and Fudan Institute on Ageing co-organized the 12th lecture of the Fudan-Arab Lecture Series. Professor Shuzhuo Li from the School of Public Policy and Administration at Xi'an Jiaotong University delivered a lecture on the topic of Global Governance of Gender Imbalance. The lecture was co-chaired by Professor Yijia Jing, Dean of the IGPP, and Professor Xizhe Peng, Dean of the Fudan Institute on Ageing. Professor Zhan Hu from the Fudan Institute on Ageing and assistant professor Xin Ye from the IGPP served as discussants.

Professor Li pointed out that the gender structure of the population is one of the fundamental demographic issues, and the problem of gender imbalance is a common development challenge facing human society. Based on data from past population censuses, he described the trends and dynamic changes of gender imbalance in China, noting that as the consequences of gender imbalance become more pronounced, governance efforts should shift from addressing sex selection for babies to managing the resulting risks and consequences. Professor Li then proposed a new framework for a social risk governance system to address the issue of gender imbalance.