On April 23, 2024, the Fudan Institute for Global Public Policy (IGPP) organized the 13th lecture of the Fudan-Arab Lecture Series. Daniel Guttman, a Fellow of the US National Academy of Public Administration and Adjunct Professor at IGPP, delivered a lecture on the topic of Climate Impact: A Comparative Governance Framework for Learning Among Countries. The lecture was chaired by Professor Yijia Jing, Dean of the IGPP.


Professor Daniel Guttman emphasized that governance is the key model for solving global environmental problems. He pointed out that governance includes not only government-level actions, but also those of non-governmental organizations. Professor Guttman stressed that building a collaborative framework between countries is of critical importance. He then discussed three key entry points for conducting research on comparative governance framework for learning among countries.

Professor Chris Tapscott from the University of the Western Cape in South Africa provided commentary on the lecture. The attending faculty and students engaged in in-depth discussions on issues such as the environment and migration, inter-state disputes over natural resources, and plastic pollution.
