Call for papers: Global Governance of Emerging Technologies
Aims and Scope
The 21st century has been witnessing transformative impacts of emerging technologies on the economy, society, and humanity across the globe. An increasing number of countries are prioritizing emerging technology governance on their policy agenda. Yet, in spite of the consensus that governing emerging technologies matters, there is still a lack of knowledge as to who the stakeholders are, in which aspects they participate, how states, international organizations, and NGOs collaborate, and what governance experiences we have learned from the development of information technology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. There is also a lack of research on how domestic and global competition in emerging technologies shapes and is being shaped by the strategies of political, legal, administrative and other stakeholders in policy negotiation, making and implementation. Attention should also be paid to how to better utilize the benefits of emerging technologies whilst preventing or mitigating their risks. The complex, disruptive, and uncertain nature of emerging technologies and their unintended consequences call for academic studies of emerging technology governance that may facilitate effective international cooperation and effective regulation.
In this light, Global Public Policy and Governance (GPPG), a journal hosted at the Institute for Global Public Policy (IGPP), Fudan University, will publish a special issue in 2022, to stimulate and engage a scholarly and policy dialogue on various research themes related to global governance of emerging technologies.
Given the interdisciplinary nature of this research, the special issue welcomes contributions from different academic fields. We invite submissions that introduce novel ideas and policy recommendations on dealing with the challenges and opportunities of emerging technologies. Research on how to promote international cooperation and effective regulation for sustainable development of emerging technologies is particularly welcome. So are policy debates on regulating emerging dual-use technologies and beyond.
As the evolving notions of emerging technologies and global governance may vary substantially across different social contexts and research domains, this special issue welcomes both conceptual explorations and comparative investigations from the legal, ethical, managerial and social perspectives. Papers that provide an overview of the current state of the art, or the status quo and evolution dynamics of a specific emerging technology such as synthetic biology, genome sequencing and editing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and others will also be considered.
Below are some of the suggested topics for submission consideration:
• Agenda setting and policy implementation on emerging technology governance;
• Safety and security issues of emerging technologies;
• Promise and peril of emerging technologies;
• Challenges and opportunities of fostering emerging technologies;
• Emerging technologies and their impacts on science diplomacy;
• Comparative studies on emerging technology governance;
• Accountable/unaccountable and contestable/uncontestable power of emerging technologies; and
• Broader legal, social and ethical issues of technology and governance.
Working Plan
Please submit an abstract of 1-2 pages in English to by July 15 2021. Please include in the submission the research question(s), theoretical framework and/or empirical exploration, methodological approach, and preliminary findings.
Decision will be made in two weeks after the submission of the abstract.
Invited authors shall submit their full papers to by 28 February 2022.
A workshop, virtual or in-person, contingent on global pandemic situations, will be organized by Fudan University on March 26-27 2022 for authors to present their papers. If only a virtual conference is to be held, leading authors of the papers accepted for publication in GPPG may be invited to IGPP for a short-term visit in the future when conditions allow.
The workshop will be hosted by Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University, and LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy.
Authors will be given one month to revise their papers according to comments from the workshop and the guest editors and are expected to submit papers directly to the online submission system of Global Public Policy and Governance by the end of April 2022. All papers will go through a peer review process organized by the guest editors. Once accepted, the papers will be made available online first before they are published in print.
The format of research papers should comply with the style of GPPG (i.e., the APA reference style) and a word limit of 10,000 words. Details are available at:
Important Dates
• Abstract submission: 15 July 2021
• Full paper submission: 28 February 2022
• Revised paper submission to the EM system of GPPG: 30 April 2022
• Expected online publication: August 2022
• Expected hard-copy publication: December 2022
Further Information
For questions regarding this special issue, please contact Dr. Li Tang (
Guest Editors
Li Tang
Li Tang is a professor of public policy at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Dr. Tang’s research is focused on science, technology and innovation policy, research integrity, and program evaluation. Her research has appeared in Nature, Research Policy, Science and Engineering Ethics, Journal of Technology Transfer, Science and Public Policy, Journal of Informetrics. She is a co-inventor of the US granted patent “Identification disambiguation in databases”.
Cong Cao
Cong Cao is a professor of innovation studies at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. As a scholar of social studies of science, technology, and innovation in China, Dr. Cao has published widely on China’s scientific elite; human resources in science and technology; policy, research, and entrepreneurship in nanotechnology and biotechnology; and the governance of the science and technology system, including four authored/co-authored books and some 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. His research has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, European Union’s Framework Program 7, National Natural Science Foundation of China, among others.