Yijia Jing

  • Dean, Professor, Chang Jiang Scholar

  • Contact: (86)021-65641230

  • Email: jingyj@fudan.edu.cn

  • Office: Room 803A, West Sub-building of Guanghua Towers

  • Profile

  • Publications

  • Professional Activities

  • Awards

Dr. Yijia Jing is a Chang Jiang Scholar, Seaker Chan Chair Professor in Public Management, Dean of the Institute for Global Public Policy, Co-Director of LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy, and Director of Fudan-Arab Research Centre for Global Development and Governance, Fudan University. He got his BA/MA in Economics from Peking University, MA in Sociology from University of Maryland College Park, and Ph.D. in Public Policy from the Ohio State University. He conducts research on privatization, governance, social organizations, and collaborative service delivery, and publishes on top journals like Public Administration Review, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, and Governance. He is founding editor-in-chief of the journal Global Public Policy and Governance and a founding co-editor of the Palgrave book series, Governing China in the 21st Century. He is a co-editor of International Public Management Journal, and was an associate editor of Public Administration Review and editor-in-chief of Chinese journal Fudan Public Administration Review. He served as a vice president of International Research Society for Public Management and is the founding president of China-Arab Network of Schools of Public Policy and Administration (CANSPPA).


Privatization, Governance, Collaboration, Nonprofit, Civil service reform, Public administration theories


  • 2005, Ph.D. in Public Policy, the Ohio State University

  • 2002, MA in Sociology, University of Maryland, College Park

  • 2000, MA in Economics, Peking University

  • 1998, BA in Economics (Minor in Law), Peking University


Chinese Public Administration

Research Methods in Public Administration


Public Management Theories

Comparative Public Management: China and New Zealand

1. Articles (In English and other foreign Languages)

  • Daniel Guttman, Yijia Jing and Oran Young. 2021. The State, Nonstate Actors, and China’s Environmental Performance: Setting the Stage. In Daniel Guttman, Yijia Jing and Oran Young. (eds.). 2021. Nonstate Actors in China and Global Environmental Governance. pp17-54, Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan.

  • Yijia Jing, Jung-Sun Han, and Keiichi Ogawa. 2021. Risk Management in East Asia: An introduction. In Yijia Jing, Jung-Sun Han, and Keiichi Ogawa (eds.), Risk Management in East Asia: Systems and Frontier Issues. Pp1-11. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Yijia Jing, René Torenvlied, Minna van Gerven and Jia Cao. 2021. Nonprofit contracting and partnership in elderly care: A comparison between China and the Netherlands, Global Public Policy and Governance, 1(2): 136-158.

  • Edoardo Ongaro, Ting Gong, and Yijia Jing. 2021. Public Administration, Context, and Innovation in China and Beyond. Public Administration and Development. 41(1): 4-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/pad.190

  • Yijia Jing. 2021. Seeking Opportunities from Crisis? China’s Governance Responses to Covid-19 Pandemic, International Review of Administrative Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020852320985146

  • Yijia Jing. 2021. Marching through the Deep-Water Zone: Chinese public sector reforms and the way forwards. Public Management Review. 23(4), 475-482. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2020.1752039

  • Jack Donahue, Karen Eggleston, Yijia Jing, and Richard J. Zeckhauser. (2020). Private Roles for Public Goals in China's Social Services, In Healthy Aging in Asia. Karen Eggleston (ed.). Washington, DC, USA: The Brookings Institution Press. pp. 199-215.

  • Peng Gao, Shiwen Ma, Daru Lu, Carl Mitcham, Yijia Jing, Guoyu Wang, 2020. Prudently conduct the engineering and synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology. 5(2): 59-61.

  • Yijia Jing and Zhan Hu. 2020. Why Was Apparent Evidence Ignored: The Delayed Relaxation of China’s Birth Control. Australian Journal of Public Administration. 79: 208-224.

  • Jianzhi Zhao and Yijia Jing. 2019. The Governance of China’s Foreign Aid System: Evolution and Path Dependence. Public Administration and Development. 39:182-192.

  • Chris Tapscott, Yijia Jing, and Jose Puppim de Oliveira. BRICS and International Development Assistance: Towards Divergence or Convergence in the Governance of Development Assistance amongst North and South Donors? Public Administration and Development. 39(4-5):167-173.

  • Yijia Jing, Alvaro Mendez and Yu Zheng. 2019. New Development Assistance in the Making: An Introduction. In Yijia Jing, Alvaro Mendez and Yu Zheng (eds.). New Development Assistance: Emerging Economies and the New Landscape of Development Assistance. Palgrave McMillan. Pp: 1-18.

  • Jose Puppim de Oliveira and Yijia Jing. 2019. The BRICS and International Development Assistance: Between the Old and the New. In Jose Puppim de Oliveira and Yijia Jing (eds.) International Development Assistance and the BRICS, Palgrave McMillan. Pp: 1-12.

  • Ping Zhang and Yijia Jing. 2020. Strategies in Adopting Unpopular Policies in China: The Case of Property Tax Reform. Journal of Contemporary China. 29(123): 387-399. https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2019.1645488.

  • Edoardo Ongaro, Ting Gong, and Yijia Jing. 2019. Towards Multi-Level Governance (MLG) in China? Coping with Complex Public Affairs across Jurisdictions and Organizations. Public Policy and Administration. 34(2): 105-120.

  • Yijia Jing and Danyao Li. 2019. Private Roles in Enhancing Multi-Level Governance: China’s “Internet +” National Strategy. Public Policy and Administration. 34(2): 144-164.

  • Daniel Guttman, Oran Young, Yijia Jing, et.al. 2018. Environmental Governance in China: Interactions between the State and “Nonstate Actors”. Journal of Environmental Management. 220: 126-135.

  • Yijia Jing. 2018. Dual Identity and Social Organizations' Participation in Contracting in Shanghai. Journal of Contemporary China. 27(110): 180-192.

  • Yijia Jing. 2017. Creative Incrementalism: Governance Reforms in China since 1978. Chinese Political Science Review. 2(1): 56-68.

  • Christopher Tapscott, Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira, Yijia Jing, Alexey Barabashev, Navdeep Mathur. BRICS in Search of Governance Models. Chinese Political Science Review. 2(1): 1-6.

  • Yijia Jing and Yefei Hu. 2017. From Service Contracting to Collaborative Governance: Evolution of Government-Nonprofit Relations. Public Administration and Development. 37(3): 191-202.

  • Yijia Jing. (2017). The Transformation of Chinese Governance: Pragmatism and Incremental Adaption. Governance. 30(1): 37-43.

  • Yijia Jing and Stephen Osborne. 2017. Public Service Innovations in China: An Introduction. In Public Service Innovations in China. Yijia Jing and Stephen Osborne (eds.), Pp1-24. Palgrave MacMillan.

  • T. J. Lah, Yijia Jing and Peter T. Y. Cheung. 2016. Public Policy and Administration in an Era of Expansion: China, South Korea and Hong Kong. In The Routledge Handbook of Global Public Policy and Administration. Edited by Thomas R. Klassen, Denita Cepiku and T. J. Lah. Routledge: London and New York. Pp58-69.

  • Yijia Jing. 2015. Introduction: The Road to Collaborative Governance in China. In Yijia Jing (ed.). The Road to Collaborative Governance in China. Palgrave MacMillan. Pp1-22.

  • Yijia Jing. 2015. Between Control and Empowerment: Governmental Strategies towards the Development of the Non-Profit Sector in China. 2015. Asian Studies Review, 39(4): 589-608.

  • Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira, Yijia Jing, Paul Collins. 2015. Public Administration for Development: Trends and the Way Forward. Public Administration and Development. 35(2): 65-72.

  • Yijia Jing, Yangyang Cui, and Danyao Li. 2015. The Politics of Performance Measurement in China. Policy and Society. 34: 49-61.

  • Yijia Jing. 2015. Chinese Administrative History and Current Reforms. In Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, third edition, Taylor & Francis LLC. Pp490-494.

  • Yijia Jing and Douglas Besharov. 2014. Collaboration among Government, Market, and Society: Forging Partnerships and Encouraging Competition. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Conference summary, 33(3): 835-842.

  • Yijia Jing (With Evan Berman, Meghna Sabharwal, et al.). 2013. The Impact of Societal Culture on the Use of Performance Strategies in East Asia: Evidence from a comparative survey. Public Management Review. 15(8): 1065-1089.

  • Yijia Jing (With Evan Berman, Chunyuan Wang, et al.). 2013. Public Executive Leadership in East and West: An Examination of HRM Factors in Eight Countries. Review of Public Personnel Administration. 33(2): 164-184.

  • Yijia Jing. 2013. One-child Policy Needs an Overhaul. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 32(2): 392-399.

  • Yijia Jing. 2013. Barriers to Policy Change and A Suggested Path of Change. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 32(2): 406-408.

  • Trevor Brown, Ting Gong, and Yijia Jing. 2012. Collaborative Governance in Mainland China And Hong Kong: Introductory Essay. International Public Management Journal. 15(4): 393-404.

  • Yijia Jing and Bin Chen. 2012. Is Competitive Contracting Really Competitive? Exploring Government-Nonprofit Collaboration in China. International Public Management Journal. 15(4): 405-428.

  • Stefanie Weil and Yijia Jing. 2012. The EU and China’s Perceptions of Democracy and Their Impact on China-EU Relations. In Conceptual Gaps in China-EU Relations. Edited by Zhongqi Pan. UK: Palgrave MacMillan. Pp113-127.

  • Yijia Jing. 2012. From Stewards to Agents? A Case of Intergovernmental Management of Public-Nonprofit Partnership in China. Public Performance and Management Review. 36(2), 230-252.

  • Yijia Jing. 2012. Cadre Education and Training in China: A General Analysis. Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences. 5(4): 1-18.

  • Yijia Jing. 2012. The U. S. Experience in Prison Privatization. In Prison Privatization: The Many Facets of a Controversial Industry (Volume I: The Environment of Private Prisons), edited by Byron Price and John Morris. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers. Pp55-85.

  • Yijia Jing and Ting Gong. 2012. Managed Social Innovation: The Case of Government- Sponsored Venture Philanthropy in Shanghai. Australian Journal of Public Administration. 71(2): 233–245.

  • Yijia Jing and Qianwei Zhu. 2012. Civil Service Reform in China: An Unfinished Task of Value Balancing. Review of Public Personnel Administration. 32(2): 134-148.

  • Yijia Jing. 2011. Outsourcing: Rebuilding Public Service Delivery in China, in Innovation in Public Governance in Asia, Stephen J. Bailey, Pekka Valkama, and Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko (eds.) The Netherlands: The IOS Press. Pp93-109.

  • Yijia Jing. 2010. Prison Privatization: A Perspective on Core Governmental Functions. Crime, Law and Social Change. 54 (3): 263-278.

  • Yijia Jing and Chunrong Liu. 2010. Understanding China’s Administrative Adaptation: The Role of Weak Organizations. Issues and Studies. 46 (2): 1-32.

  • Yijia Jing. 2010. Public Administration in China: Toward the Network Model, In Public Administration, NGO's and Public Debt: Issues and Perspectives, Marcel Kratochvil and Valentin Pokorny (eds.) New York: Nova Science Publishers. Pp141-158.

  • Yijia Jing. 2010. History and Context of Chinese Public Administration, In Public Administration in East Asia: Mainland China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, Evan Berman, Heungsuk Choi, and Jae Moon (eds.), Taylor & Francis LLC. Pp33-53.

  • Yijia Jing. 2009. Action on Ageing in China: A Multi-Perspective Analysis. Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(4): 83-103.

  • Yijia Jing and E.S. Savas. 2009. Managing Collaborative Service Delivery: Comparing China and the United States. Public Administration Review, 69 (Special Issue): 101-107.

  • Yijia Jing and Xinping Liu. 2009. Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in China: An Assessment, In Local Governance under Stress: Fiscal Retrenchment and Expanding Public Demands on Government, EROPA Local Government Center ed. Tokyo: EROPA Local Government Center, Pp.73-93.

  • Yijia Jing. 2008. Dissertation Research in Public Administration in China. Chinese Public Administration Review. 5(1/2): 27-38.

  • Evan Berman and Yijia Jing. 2008. Assessing the State of Public Administration Research in Mainland China: Prospects and Challenges. Chinese Public Administration Review. 5(1/2): 1-6.

  • Yijia Jing. 2008. Outsourcing in China: An Exploratory Assessment. Public Administration and Development. 28 (2):119-128.

  • (Korean) Yijia Jing. 2008. Privatization of Public Services in China. Administrative Focus. 75 (3): 58-61.

  • (Japanese) Yijia Jing. 2008. The Dilemmas of Public Management in the Privatization of Public Utilities in China. In Public Corporation Reform in East Asia, edited by Norimichi Goishi, Tokyo: Kokusai Shoin, Pp75-89.

  • Yijia Jing. 2007. Chinese Public Administration: History and Current Trends, In Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, second edition, Evan Berman and Jack Rabin (ed.), Taylor & Francis LLC. Pp. 297-300.

  • Jianwei Zhang and Yijia Jing. 2007. Legal Pluralism in the Governance of Transitional China, In Economic Analysis of Law in China. Thomas Eger, Michael Faure and Naigen Zhang (ed.). Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar. Pp. 55-73.

  • Trevor Brown, Yijia Jing, Bert Rockman, and Eckhard Schroeter. 2006. Rolling Back the State: A tale of Privatization in the United States and Germany. In The End of Sovereignty? - A Transatlantic Perspective, David Eaton (ed.), LIT Verlag, Muenster/Germany, Pp393-431.

  • Yijia Jing. 1998. Analysis of Population Structure in Rural Areas of China. Chinese Journal of Population Science. 10(1): 17-30. New York: Allerton Press, INC. (Indexed by: Journal Abstract: Population Index. Volume 65, Number 2. Summer 1999, Princeton University).

2. Articles (In Chinese)

  • Yijia Jing, Yuanyuan Ren. 2022. Chinese Governance in a Comparative Perspective: Analysis and Reflections. Governance Studies, 2022(4): 27-38.

  • Yijia Jing, Yuyun Bei, Minhua Yuan. 2021. Achievements and Inspirations of the “Government Online-Offline” of Government Services in the Yangtze River Delta. In the Thinktank Alliance of Yangtze River Delta (eds), Thinktank Perspectives: Innovative Practices in the Regional Integration of Yangtze River Delta. Pp54-88, Shanghai: Oriental Publication Centre.

  • Yijia Jing. 2021. Seeking Opportunities from Crisis? China’s Governance Responses to Covid-19 Pandemic, translated by Xinxin Zhang, included in the Chinese version of International Review of Administrative Sciences, Pp232-251, Beijing: China Finance and Economy Publisher.

  • Yefei Hu, Liping Fu, Yijia Jing, et al., 2021. Government Governance and its Rules in China: Research Prospects. Journal of Management Science in China. 24(8): 91-104.

  • Yijia Jing, Niyu Zhou and Jing Wen. 2020. Analyzing International Governance Indicators. Fudan Public Administration Review. 22: 269-292.

  • Yijia Jing. 2020. Public Governance under Extreme Conditions. Fudan Public Administration Review. 22: 4-8.

  • Jianfeng Wu and Yijia Jing. 2020. Post-Pandemic Urban Modern Governance. In Shiyi Chen and Zhiqing Li (eds) Economic Anti-Pandemic: Covid-19 Impacts on Economy and Solutions. Shanghai: Fudan University Press. pp316-326.

  • Yijia Jing. 2020. Complex Governance System of Ageing Societies: Analysis of the Evolution of Elderly Policies 1982-2015. Chinese Public Administration. 2020(5): 63-70.

  • Yijia Jing and Yefei Hu. 2018. Government Procurement of Services: A Perspective of Publicness. Journal of Public Administration. 2018(3): 137-161.

  • Yijia Jing. 2018. Strengthen Government Implementation Capacities. People’s Daily. May 21.

  • Jianzhi Zhao, Yijia Jing, Zhe Ouyang. 2018. The Governance System of International Development Aid of Emerging Countries: A Comparative Study of BRICS Countries. Chinese Public Administration. 2018(2): 130-136.

  • Yijia Jing. 2017. State Governance Practices Bring about New Opportunities for Public Administration Research. People’s Daily. Jun 26.

  • Yijia Jing. 2015. Collaborative Governance: Historical and Realistic Path. Nanjing Social Sciences. 2015 (5): 1-9.

  • Danyao Li and Yijia Jing. 2015. Social Enterprises and its Applicability in China. Chinese Public Policy Review. 2015(8): 142-164.

  • Yijia Jing and Yangyang Cui. 2015. Collaborative Relation between Nonprofits and Grassroots Governments. China Third Sector Studies. 2015(9): 14-31.

  • Yijia Jing. 2014. From Service Procurement to Collaborative Governance: Forms and Evolution of Government-nonprofit Collaboration. Chinese Public Administration, 2014 (7): 54-59.

  • Yijia Jing and Yefei Hu. 2014. Values of Chinese Public Administration as a Discipline. Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute. 2014(1): 89-95.

  • Yijia Jing. 2013. Government-Nonprofit Collaboration in Public Services: The Recent Practices in Shanghai. Jiangxi Social Sciences. 2013(4): 165-170.

  • Yijia Jing. 2013. Risks and Risk Management in Collaborative Governance. In Governance through Intervention, Ruichang Li (ed.), Shanghai Renmin Press. Pp233-251.

  • Yijia Jing. 2012. Government-Nonprofit Collaboration in Social Service Delivery, In Qianwei Zhu and Chunkui Zhu (eds. ) Report of Chinese Government Development, Beijing: People’s Press. Pp:177-197.

  • Yijia Jing and Xinping Liu. 2012. Literature Review of Studies on Public Service Privatization in China. In Jun Ma et., al (eds.) Yearbook of Public Administration in China. The People’s Press. Pp315-340.

  • Yijia Jing and Jifu Li. 2012. Changes and Causes of the Civil Service Examination in Chinese Mainland. National Elite. 7(4): 58-75.

  • Yijia Jing. 2011. An Exploration of Public-Nonprofit Collaboration in Social Service: A Case Study of Local Practices in Shanghai. Journal of Public Administration. 2011(5): 5-25.

  • Yijia Jing. 2011. From Administrative State to Collaborative State. Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly. 36: 110-111.

  • Yijia Jing. 2011. The Characteristics and Map of Governance in China. Fudan Public Administration Review.Vol. 7: 26-50.

  • Yijia Jing. 2010. Horizontalization of Government: Reforms and Challenges toward Post-Bureaucracy. Chinese Public Administration. 2010(10): 105-111.

  • Yijia Jing and Ruojing Chen. 2009. The Development and Innovations in China’s Home Care Service System: A Perspective of Coordination. Fudan Journal. 2009 (5): 133-140.

  • Yijia Jing. 2009. Dissertation Research in Public Administration in China. Fudan Public Administration Review. Vol. 4: 37-56. (The paper was republished in Reflections on Chinese Public Administration: From Crisis to Rebuilding, Edited by Jun Ma, Chengfu Zhang and Yanling He, Central Compilation& Translation Press, 2009, Pp41-63).

  • Yanwen Tang, Yijia Jing, Chunrong Liu. 2008. An Index in Measuring Local Governments’ Anti-Corruption Efforts. Society. 2008 (5): 203-223.

  • Yijia Jing. 2008. The Status Quo and Management Requirements of English-Taught MA Education in China. Study of the Foreign Students Work. 2008 (2): 28-34.

  • Yijia Jing. 2007. The Changing Path of Governance in the US: A Case of Prison Privatization. Fudan Public Administration Review. Vol. 3: 265-286.

  • Yijia Jing. 2007. Analysis of the Aggregate Outsourcing of Public Services in China. Management World. 23 (2): 37-43.

  • Yijia Jing and Chunrong Liu. 2007. Direct Election of Urban Residents’ Committee and Urban Grassroots Governance. Fudan Journal. 2007(1): 132-140.

  • Yijia Jing. 2006. Practice, Discipline, and Paradigm: A Review of the Development of Organizational Theory. Society. 2006(6): 165-189.

  • Yijia Jing. 2006. The Governmental Management of Privatization in the US. Fudan Public Administration Review.Vol. 2: 190-205.

  • Fangyu Liu and Yijia Jing. 1999. Understanding and Promoting Consumption. People’s Daily, July 6th.

  • Yijia Jing. 1997. Analysis of Population Structure in Rural Areas of China. Chinese Journal of Population Science.1997(5): 22-30.

3. Books and journal special issues (in English)

  • Yijia Jing. 2010. Prison Privatization: A Study of the Causes and Magnitude. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

  • Yijia Jing. (Co-editor), 2023. The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Public Management for Social Policy. NYC: Oxford University Press.

  • Yijia Jing, Jung-Sun Han, and Keiichi Ogawa (eds.). 2021. Risk Management in East Asia: Systems and Frontier Issues. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Daniel Guttman, Yijia Jing and Oran Young (eds). 2021. Nonstate Actors in Global and Chinese Environmental Governance. Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Yijia Jing, Alvaro Mendez and Yu Zheng (eds). 2019. New Development Assistance: Emerging Economies and the New Landscape of Development Assistance. Palgrave McMillan.

  • Jose Puppim de Oliveira and Yijia Jing (eds). 2019. International Development Assistance and the BRICS, Palgrave McMillan.

  • Yijia Jing and Stephen Osborne (eds). 2017. Public Service Innovations in China. Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Yijia Jing (editor). 2015. The Road to Collaborative Governance in China. Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Yijia Jing. 2010. Area coordinator of Handbook of Public Administration in East Asia, Evan Berman, Jae Moon, and Heungsuk Choi (eds.), Taylor & Francis LLC.

  • Edoardo Ongaro, Ting Gong and Yijia Jing. Guest editors, 2021. Public Administration, Context, and Innovation in China and Beyond. Public Administration and Development, 41(1).

  • Yijia Jing. Guest editor, 2020. China’s Modernization and Governance in a Comparative Perspective. Journal of Contemporary China. 29(123).

  • Chris Tapscott, Yijia Jing, and Jose Puppim de Oliveira. Guest editors, 2019. The BRICS and International Development Assistance. Public Administration and Development. 39(4-5).

  • Ting Gong, Yijia Jing and Edoardo Ongaro. Guest editors, 2019. Multi-Level Governance in China. Public Policy and Administration. 34(2).

  • Yijia Jing and Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira. Guest editors, 2017. BRICS in Search of Governance Models. Chinese Political Science Review. 2(1).

  • Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira, Paul Collins and Yijia Jing. Guest editors, 2015. Public Administration for Development: Trends and the Way Forward. Public Administration and Development. 35(2).

  • Trevor Brown, Ting Gong and Yijia Jing. Guest editors, 2012. Collaborative Governance in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong: Trends, Issues and Perspectives. International Public Management Journal. 15(4).

  • Yijia Jing and Evan Berman. Guest editors, 2008. Public Administration Research and Education in China Today. Chinese Public Administration Review. 5(1/2).

4. Books and journal special issues (in Chinese)

  • Yijia Jing. 2021. Government Online-Offline Shanghai: Urban Governance Innovations in the New Era. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press.

  • Yijia Jing. 2009. Collaborative Governance: Reinventing the Logic of Public Services. Tianjin: Tianjin People’s Press.

  • Xizhe Peng, Zhan Hu, Qin Zhu and Yijia Jing. 2020. Governance and Policy Choices of Chinese Ageing Society, Beijing: Science Publisher.

  • Yijia Jing and Xiaoping Jiang (eds.) 2018. Public Service Studies: Government Procurement and Public-Private Cooperation. Beijing: Science Publisher.

  • Yijia Jing (translator). 2007. Organizations in Action: The Social Science Base of Administrative Theory (by James Thompson), Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press.

5. Book reviews, translations, and conference summary

In English:

  • Yijia Jing. 2015. Book review for Morgan, Douglas F. and Cook, Brian J. Editors. 2014. New Public Governance: A Regime-Centered Perspective Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe. International Review of Public Administration. 20(3): 325-327.

  • Yijia Jing. 2011. A Preliminary Analysis of Competitive Contracting for Social Services in Shanghai. In Public (Newsletter of the Institute of Public Governance & Management, ESADE), May 10, 2011.

  • Yijia Jing. 2010. Balancing formal and informal institutions: A dilemma of modernization. Review for Accountability without Democracy: Solidary Groups and Public Goods Provision in Rural China. (Lily L. Tsai, 2007, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press), Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences. 3(2): 144-148.

  • Yijia Jing. 2009. Fragmentation or Unity: China’s Public Administration in Transition, In the Inaugural Newsletter of China-America Association for Public Affairs, September 2009.

  • Yijia Jing. 2007. Conference Summary of “Public Administration Research and Education in China Today”, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences. 4 (4): 187-191.

In Chinese:

  • Yijia Jing. 2014. Interview with Professor Stephen Osborne. Fudan Public Administration Review. 11: 236-245.

  • Yijia Jing. 2013. Building Rules to Induce Good Governance, book review on the Ten Principles for a Rule-Ordered Society Enhancing China’s Governing Capacity (by Shuiyan Tang). Chinese Public Administration. 2013(9): 127-128.

  • Yijia Jing. 2013. Government-Nonprofit Collaboration: From Service Procurement to Community Collaborative Governance. Social Science Weekly. August 8, 2013, P2.

  • Yijia Jing. 2012. Summaries of the 2011 Fudan-IPMJ conference, the 2011 Fudan International Forum of Management, and the 2012 Fudan-PMRC conference. Fudan Public Administration Review. 9: 249-297.

  • Yijia Jing. 2012. Interview with Professor David Harry Rosenbloom. Fudan Public Administration Review.8: 220-226.

  • Yijia Jing. 2012. Interview with Professor Kuotsai Tom Liou. Fudan Public Administration Review.7: 160-165.

  • Yijia Jing. 2010. Public Service Privatization: A Global Perspective. Chinese Social Science Newspaper. May 2, 2010.

  • Yijia Jing. Analysis of Social Service Bidding. Jiefang Daily. Feb 6, 2010.

  • Lingmin Jia, Yijia Jing and Jie Liu. 2008. Conference Summary of “Public Administration Research and Education in China Today”, Chinese Public Administration. 2008 (2): 126-127.

  • Yijia Jing (translator). 2012. The Status of Non-Mission Based Public Values in Contemporary Performance-Oriented Public Administration (by David H. Rosenbloom). Fudan Public Administration Review. 9: 5-20.

  • Yangyang Wang and Yijia Jing (translator). 2008. High Expectations, Varying Outcomes: Decentralization and Participation in Brazil, Japan, Russia and Sweden (by Christina W. Andrews and Michiel S. de Vries, published in International Review of Administrative Sciences 2007 (73): 424-451), Chinese Public Administration, 2008 (10): 122-127.

Administrative services

  • Dean, Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University, 2018-

  • Co-Director, LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy, 2019-

  • Associate Dean, School of International Relations and Public Affairs,2012-2015, 2017-2019

  • Associate Director, Office of Global Partnerships, Fudan University, 2015-2017

  • Associate Director, the Commission of Development and Reform of Yangpu District, Shanghai, 2009-2010

  • Director, Campus Asia Program (Risk Management Experts in East Asia), the Ministry of Education of PRC, 2011-

Academic services

  • Vice President, International Research Society for Public Management, 2013-2019

  • Director, Center for Collaborative Governance Research, Fudan University

  • Vice Director, the Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies, Fudan University

  • Member, Academic Committee of Urban-Rural Community Affairs, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, 2014-

  • Member, Committee of International Administrative Science, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 2015-

  • Member, Teaching Steering Committee, Fudan University, 2012-2016

  • Member, International Chapter, American Society for Public Administration

Editorial services

  • Founding editor-in-chief, Global Public Policy and Governance (2021-)

  • Associate editor, Public Administration Review (2015-2018)

  • Co-editor, International Public Management Journal (2014-)

  • Founding co-editor, Governing China in the 21 Century (Palgrave Book Series, 2014-)

  • Editor in chief, Fudan Public Administration Review (CSSCI, 2011-2021)

  • Editorial board membership


Public Administration Review 2014-2017

Governance 2016-

International Public Management Journal 2012-

Public Management Review 2015-

Policy and Politics 2015-

Public Administration and Development 2016-

International Review of Administrative Science 2017-

Australian Journal of Public Administration 2018-

Local Government Studies 2022-

International Review of Public Administration

Chinese Political Science Review

China Policy Journal

Social Policy Review

Public Administration Issues

Indian Politics and Policy


Journal of Public Administration

Public Administration and Policy Review

China Third Sector Studies

Journal of Gansu Administrative School

International Review of Administrative Sciences

Social Science Research

Social Policy Review

Information Technologies and Management Applications

Research grants (selective)

  • Theories and mechanisms of reforms and innovations of the public governance system, Key project funded by the National Science Foundation of China. 2023.

  • Collaborative governance: The modernization of state governance system, Major project funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China. 2015.

  • Government procurement of public services, Key project funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China. 2014.

  • Study on the collaboration between governments and nonprofits in delivering public services, Funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China. 2011.

Founder of annual events

  • China-India Forum on Development and Governance, since 2017

  • Fudan University-Peking University Conference on State Governance, since 2017

  • BRICS Forum on Development and Governance, since 2016

  • Public Governance Forum in Greater China, since 2013

Conferences chairs or keynoters

  • Nov 2022, Conference co-chair, Co-organized with London School of Economics and Political Science, the first LSE-Fudan Annual Conference “Global Public Policy: Challenges and Prospects”.

  • Oct 2022, Workshop co-chair, Co-organized with the Department of International Development of LSE, “China and the Global South”.

  • Jul 2021, Panel Chair (Global Public Policy and Governance: Theories, Methods, and Cases), IPPA conference, Spain (online).

  • Dec 2019. Chair, workshop on Biotech Governance, cosponsored by Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University; LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy; and Center for Biomedical Ethics, Shanghai.

  • Jun 2019, Co-chair (with Edarodo Ongaro and Ting Gong), the conference on Public Administration: Context and Innovation. cosponsored by Fudan University, City University of Hong Kong, and Public Administration and Development, Shanghai.

  • Jun 2019, Co-chair (With Lihua Yang), the workshop on Environmental Development and Governance, sponsored by Fudan University, Shanghai.

  • Jun 2019, Co-chair (with Anil B Deolalikar and Rahul Mukherji), the third International Forum on Development and Governance in China and India, Shanghai.

  • May 2019, Co-chair (with Edarodo Ongaro and Ting Gong), Public Administration: Context and Innovation Workshop, cosponsored by Fudan University, City University of Hong Kong, and Public Administration and Development, Hongkong.

  • Dec 2018, Chair of the workshop on Local implementation of elderly care in China and the Netherlands, Shanghai.

  • Jun 2018, Co-chair (with Anil B Deolalikar and Rahul Mukherji), the second International Forum on Development and Governance in China and India, Shanghai.

  • May 2018, Organizer of the second Peking University-Fudan University Forum of State Governance, Shanghai.

  • Oct 2017, Chair of the conference on Evidence-based Policy Making in China and Australia, cosponsored by Fudan University, University of New South Wales, City University of Hong Kong, University of Melbourne, Renmin University. Shanghai.

  • Sep 2017, Chair of the international workshop on New Development Assistance. Fudan University, Shanghai.

  • Sep 2017, Chair of the second International Forum on Development and Governance in the BRICS, Shanghai.

  • Jun 2017, Chair of the first International Forum on Development and Governance in China and India, Shanghai.

  • May 2017, Organizer of the first Peking University-Fudan University Forum of State Governance. Peking University, Beijing.

  • Apr 2017, Opening Ceremony Panel speaker, the annual conference of IRSPM, Budapest.

  • Dec 2016, Co-chair (with Dan Guttman and Oran Young), the conference of Nonstate Actors and Environmental Governance, Shanghai.

  • Dec 2016, Chair of the China-UK University/Thinktank Dialogue as part of the Fourth high-level people-to-people dialogue between China and UK, Shanghai.

  • Sep 2016, Chair of the first International Forum on Development and Governance in the BRICS, Shanghai.

  • May 2016, Co-Chair (with Erik Bergloff). Subforum on Global Public Policy, Shanghai Forum of 2016, Shanghai.

  • May 2016, Co-chair (with Zhimin Chen, Sujian Guo and Dwayne Woods), Conference on the Future of Comparative Politics, Cosponsored by Fudan University and Purdue University, Shanghai.

  • October 2015, Co-Chair (with Bert Rockman and Joe Wong). Quality of government: Understanding the post-1978 transition and prosperity of China, Cosponsored by Governance and Fudan University, Shanghai.

  • Sep 2015, Keynote speaker of AGPA (Asian Group of Public Administration) annual conference, Seoul.

  • May 2015, Co-chair (with Stephen Osborne) and keynote speaker, Social Innovation Research Conference, Cosponsored by IRSPM, ASPA, PSA, and Fudan University, Shanghai.

  • Jun 2014, Committee member and plenary session speaker, the 2014 PMRC Conference, When Policy Meets Administration: Eastern and Western Voices, cosponsored by PMRA, IRSPM, KAPS and Seoul National University, Seoul.

  • May 2014, Co-chair (with Paul Collins and Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira), Public Administration and Development Symposium: Public Administration for Development: Trends and the Way Forward, Shanghai.

  • May 2014, Co-chair (With Joseph Wong), Workshop on Comparative Politics Studies: Status Quo, Cutting-edge Trends, and China. Cosponsored by the Dr. Seaker Chan Center of Comparative Political Development Studies and School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai.

  • Nov 2013, Chair, The National Ph.D. Student Forum on Public Management, cosponsored by Fudan University and the Ministry of Education of China, Shanghai.

  • Oct 2013, Chair, The First Public Governance in Greater China Forum cosponsored by Fudan University, City University of Hong Kong, and Taiwan University, Shanghai.

  • May 2013, Co-chair (with Douglas Besharov) and keynote speaker, Collaboration between Government, Market, and Society: Forging Partnerships and Encouraging Competition, Cosponsored by the Fudan University School of International Relations and Public Affairs, the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, and the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Shanghai.

  • Apr 2013, Chair, Political Development in time of Crisis: Democracy, State, and Governance, Cosponsored by the Dr. Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies and the Fudan University School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai.

  • May 2012, Co-Chair (with Richard Walker), Public Management Research Conference, Seeking Excellence in a Time of Change, Cosponsored by the Fudan University, Public Management Research Association (PMRA), International Research Society of Public Administration (IRSPM), and China-America Association for Public Affairs (CAAPA), Shanghai.

  • July 2011, Organizer, International Forum of Public Management, Public Management in the Coming Decade: China and the World, Shanghai.

  • June 2011, Co-Chair (with Ting Gong), Symposium on Collaborative Governance in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong: Trends, Issues and Perspectives, Cosponsored by the Fudan University and the International Public Management Journal, Shanghai.

  • Sep 2007, Co-Chair (with Evan Berman), Public Administration Research and Education in China Today. Cosponsored by the Fudan University, China Administration Society, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), School of Public Affairs and Administration of Rutgers University; Public Administration Institute of Louisiana State University, Chinese Public Administration Review, China Institute for Public Affairs, Shanghai.

Academic titles

  • Changjiang Scholar, the Ministry of Education, 2017

  • Shanghai Leading Talent, Shanghai Municipal Government, 2018

  • Seaker Chan Chair Professor in Public Management, 2016

  • Shuguang Scholar, Shanghai Municipal Government, 2014

  • New Century Excellent Talent, Ministry of Education, 2010

  • Pujiang Talent, Shanghai Municipal Government, 2006

Academic awards

  • Excellent book award, first-tier, National Health Commission, 2022

  • Excellent paper in social sciences, Third-tier, the Ministry of Education, 2020

  • Excellent paper in social sciences, Third-tier, the Ministry of Education, 2015

Teaching awards

  • Excellent Teaching Award (First-tier), Shanghai Municipal Government, 2022

  • Excellent Teaching Award (First-tier), Shanghai Municipal Government, 2017

  • Excellent Teaching Award (First-tier), Fudan University, 2016

  • Brand English-Taught Course in China, Ministry of Education of China, 2013

  • Demonstration English-Taught Course in Shanghai, Shanghai Municipal Government, 2013, 2014

  • Excellent Teaching Award (Second-tier), Shanghai Municipal Government, 2013

  • Excellent Teaching Award (First-tier), Fudan University, 2012

  • No. 1 in the Evaluation of CAMPUA ASIAN Programs, Ministry of Education, 2014