Author(s): Gong Ting
Publisher: Public Administration and Policy Review
Language: Chinese
Online url: View online
Corruption has attracted increased scholarly attention in the world in recent years. This may be attributable to the changing social and economic environment that has brought more opportunities for corruption. It is also due to the fact that changes in the mode of corruption have raised many theoretical and empirical questions for corruption studies. Scholars have paid special attention to the causes, processes, patterns, and consequences of corruption. There are also studies focusing on anticorruption agencies and their strategies. However, theoretical gaps still exist and new topics need to be explored. Corruption studies also require novel perspectives. This article examines some major issues in corruption studies. It focuses, in particular, on the importance of developing a comparative perspective, a bottom-up approach, and an emphasis on anti-corruption effectiveness in corruptions studies.
Gong Ting. (2020). Corruption Studies: The Current State and New Perspectives. Public Administration and Policy Review, 9(1), 3-9.