How Do Political Features Influence the Co-Production of Government Projects? A Case Study of a Medium-Sized Chinese City

Author(s): Wenting Ma, Rui Mu, Martin de Jong

Journal: Sustainability(SSCI)

Language: English

DOI: 10.3390/su13147600

Online url: View online


Co-production is a solution by which the government provides public services. Co-production theory is built upon Western experience and currently focuses on the types of co-production in different policy stages, the barriers and governance strategies for co-production. However, little attention is paid to how political background will influence the co-production process. To fill the gap, we analyzed a case of co-production that occurred in China, and we characterized the political background as consisting of three main political features: political mobility, central–local relations, and performance measurement. Based on an in-depth case study of a government project in a medium-sized Chinese city, the impact and the changes of political features affecting governmental projects in different co-production stages are analyzed and assessed. We find that political features play a critical role in the co-production of China’s large government projects and may separately and jointly affect co-production. Government performance measurement affects the co-design and co-implementation of projects. Political mobility and changes in local government and performance measurement also affect the co-implementation continuity of the project. Political focus affects the co-design of projects. Central-local relations influence the support from higher government and the actual practices of lower government in the co-implementation stage.


Wenting Ma, Rui Mu, Martin de Jong (2021). How do political features influence the co-production of government projects? A case study of a medium-sized Chinese city. Sustainability,